The film from the cameras of the Balibo five have been with Australian military intelligence since very shortly after their murders.

I understand that the National Sorry Day Committee is not entirely pleased with the Get Up campaign ‘The First Act Is Saying Sorry’ – something about no consultation and going against aims of the Committee.

All the fuss about the worm has obscured the bigger picture: the National Press Club’s spineless behaviour throughout the whole of the debate negotiations. Days before Rudd agreed to the debate the NPC announced it as a fact and began assembling a panel. Sky sent out a press release declaring it was on. At no stage did either ever consult Labor about the format – Howard told them his conditions and both agreed on the spot, then basically told Rudd to go along with it. The NPC should have told Howard, “thanks, that’s an interesting idea. We’ll now take that to the ALP and we’ll get back to you.” Instead, without consulting Labor or the gallery or even its own members the board said yes on the spot, including approving conditions that imposed censorship on the reporting of the debate!

Check out the CIA’s new terrorist-buster logo , from the CIA site:

Nurses at Frankston hospital had their pay docked yesterday for continuing with strikes. They are expected to keep working, looking after patients in beds that aren’t closed but for no money. I’m no longer sure what country I live in.

Re: Air traffic controllers being replaced by non-endorsed or rated controllers (i.e. not qualified) on night shifts; a response from Blair Henderson (Vice President Professional) to members on a Civil Air forum:

I had discussions with Jan Goosen from ATS licensing from CASA (Civil Aviation Safety Authority) today. CASA have approached Airservices with concerns that I raised with him. He advised me that Airservices has conducted a subsequent HAZID (hazard identification), and that with the restraints and outcomes proposed, CASA has no problems with the intent of the instruction for Short Term Breaks. CASA is of the opinion that you are only monitoring a person’s position and only providing basic instructions that are written down for you. They believe this is the similar to HF passing Air Traffic Control instructions on our behalf. As you are only monitoring the position and not providing an Air Traffic Service, you are not breaking CASA regulations. At this time, the CoM is discussing options to further this issue.

So you either are being replaced by someone not qualified, or for 20 minute periods all across the nation, the service is not being provided at all. It’s not good enough, the public should know; what do the politicians – relevant minister/shadow minister in particular – think of such lunacy?

From the ‘Your Say’ section in the Illawarra Mercury on Saturday 20 October, the writer noted that the CIA Worldbook, updated 4 October 2007, gives credit for Australia’s current economic strength to the Labor era. Interesting in view of the fact that Howard’s entire argument for election is how well he has created a strong economy. Cut and paste from Worldbook entry below: “In recent decades, Australia has transformed itself into an internationally competitive, advanced market economy. It boasted one of the OECD’s fastest growing economies during the 1990s, a performance due in large part to economic reforms adopted in the 1980s.”