A week, as we’re dependably notified, is a long time in campaign politics. In the realm of Election 2.0, a week is at least as long again. The intertubes, as you know, moves with the erratic hustle of a teenaged libido. And, who’d-a-thunk-it, weaving apace with this variable drive is Kevin Rudd. Or, at least, he’s now capably woven by others into the fabric of the web.

Kev’s clutter of cyber spinners is becoming more adept. Last week, if pinot-addled memory serves, the Crikey assessment of Rudd 2.0 proceeded along the lines of: it’s nice that you bothered, mate. But, really. It seems, though, as the electoral ante is upped, so is Kev’s web savvy.

It’s not that a great deal has changed at Kevin 07. However, traffic and interest in its squeaky clean interior will soon receive a boost courtesy of guest blogger, Maxine McKew. Who knows what the venerable russet will post. I’d suggest before and after pictures of her door-to-door army of women. The Maxine for Bennelong sorority must have toned up what with all that centre-left power walking

And, it’s not that a great many YouTube victories have been won. There was Swan’s sweet if injudicious Good Housekeeping moment. Apparently, you can learn about supermarket specials by reading catalogues. And, in news just to hand, bears prefer to relieve themselves in wooded areas, the pope wears a frock and Joe Hockey is an embarrassment to himself, his party and his gender. Duh. Wayne.

A great deal has, however, changed over at facespace.

Sure, Kevin has been proficiently Down with the Demographic until now. Just like the young voters whose attention he courts, he’s been listing his mood as “Kinda Bummed Out” and his current soundtrack as “You Know, Emo.” More or less. But on Friday, a significant amendment to the KR profile had me believing that these people actually have a clue. I’m quite serious.

Rudd’s profile picture has been changed. And, in the visual economy of online, this actually means something. In Web 2.0, mise-en-scène means more than anything. It truly is all in the details. Kev finally looks like a netizen. If you can’t be bothered clicking to view his new portrait (and, if you’ve dodged myface thus far, congratulations) believe me, it’s very convincingly candid.

Rudd appears to be about to cram high burn, low nutrient carbohydrate into his pie hole as he engages with a bakery. He’s smiling and his demeanour confers buoyancy and every day poise.

Honestly, Kevin is becoming half man half widget. You can just cut and paste him into the source code of your heart.

He’s employed the right people.

Seen evidence of the facebook poll, the YouTube Generation or Election 2.0? Tell me, as I’m quite cr-pped off with all this surfing helen.razer@bigpond.com