The newspapers did John Howard proud this morning with the kind of pictures and page one stories that politicians dream of getting during an election campaign.

They displayed the promises prominently and now all the Coalition has to do is get people to believe them!

Policy Speech Day was far and away the Government’s best on the trail since the tax cut promises in its opening salvo. There will be disappointment in the camp at the lack of enthusiasm from the TV networks last night but the foundation is there again on which to try and build a revival.

Coalition ALP
Television 2.03 0.52
Newspapers 1.83 0.01
Radio 0.55 0.17
Internet 0.27 0.00
TOTAL 4.68 0.70

You will find details of the way the Daily Verdict is compiled, with the help of raw material provided by our friends at Media Monitors, on the Crikey website.