Follow-up to your picture of Kerry Bartlett’s campaign van sitting in a disabled parking spot in the main street of Katoomba last week: this was not a one-off. Bartlett’s van was also parked there all day Saturday, outside the early voting station at the Senior Citizens rooms.

Don’t forget about the dodgy oil imports from Iraq that Downer forgot to approve. Poul Spirit and 6 other ships. Investigation over, no action on that front either!

Check out how little Australia voluntarily contributes to the UNFCCC compared to the US, EU and the UK.

Consider the glass ceiling in The Age’s Design Department double-glazed after the announcement on Friday 16 November of the Deputy Deputy Executive Editor of Graphics & Design. Now every one of the five males in a pool of 12 designers has been bestowed a title: Bill Farr (Art Director), Matt Martel (Executive Editor of Graphics & Design), Phil Smith (Deputy Executive Editor of Graphics & Design), Ian Warnecke (Deputy Deputy Executive Editor of Graphics & Design) and Andrew Wolf (Senior Designer). It is of some consolation the remaining title, Illustrations Editor, is held by a woman: Robin Cowcher.

Paul’s back?! Today’s Economist online site is tipping “Paul Rudd” for victory on Saturday. So is this how he finally gets his revenge? But the question remains – can John Hunt hold onto Bennalong? “On Saturday November 24th Australians go to the polls. Despite a strong economy, and the government’s promises of more spending to come, a fifth term is unlikely for John Howard. Paul Rudd and the Labour Party have a ten-point lead going into the final week, roughly the same as they have had for most of the year. The youngish, Chinese-speaking former diplomat has not made any dramatic promises to change policies, but after four terms of Mr Howard, Australians seem ready to turn the page. That said, Labour must gain 16 seats; the possibility of a close result cannot be ruled out.”