I am saddened to hear that the new opposition leader, Brendan Nelson, will not say Sorry to Aboriginal people. But I am not surprised.
Brendan Nelson represents a party that is out of touch. They just don’t get it. He would do well to talk to former Liberal Prime Minister, Malcolm Fraser, to learn something about genuine liberal values.
Nelson’s are the mean-spirited responses of denial that diminish him as a person and diminish Australia as a nation. At the very historical moment when new, courageous collaboration is possible, this new Liberal leader, just like Howard before him, fuels the fires of division.
What they fail to grasp, or refuse to see, is that we cannot move forward until the legacies of the past are properly dealt with. This means acknowledging the truth of history, providing justice and allowing the process of healing to occur.
We are not just talking here of the brutality of a time gone by – though that was certainly a shameful reality. We are talking of the present, of the ways in which the legacy of the past lives on for every single Aboriginal person and their families.
It is time for non-Indigenous Australians to turn their reflective gaze inwards. It is time to look at non-Indigenous privilege – and to ask the question: ‘What was the cost of this advantage – and who paid the price?’
In the name of decency Australian Government APOLOGIZE NOW – discussion not required. Apology is also called for stupidity of the last decade- where racism racism racism is upheld as honorable in Coalition terms and preferable to fairness and truth.
A crowd demonstrating does not mean government must jump to its demands. Majority not determined by demonstrations. State Parliaments, responsible for Aboriginal welfare, have apologised. Would Lowitja’s life have been better without removal? Unlikely.
When Nelson inferred that all or most activity around the stolen generation was carried out by “well-intentioned” whites who were trying to help, that really underlined for me why we need to say sorry and quick smart! – sorry-
Lowitja is national treasure material – noting Nelson as ‘mean, diminished and out of touch’ – bitter?? ???not really – just fundamental truth. Lowitja is wise.
Tony Papafilis…… Certainly could not and would not try to answer your irrelevant question regarding Ms Lowitja. This is her personal business and nothing to do with the subject being discussed here. That is: Why won’t the Liberals say ‘Sorry’ !!!