It took a full fortnight for John Howard to announce his ministry. Kevin Rudd’s was out in four days. The incoming government is also moving quickly on the ministerial staff front, too. Advertisements are due to appear in the weekend papers and this memo has already been distributed to Labor staff:


A reminder about the proposed staffing processes which will be operational shortly:

  • Staff will be invited to submit expressions of interest in working for Labor in Government and vacancies will be advertised publicly. Invitations and advertisements will make it clear where expressions of interest should be addressed. In the meantime, please e-mail all CVs and expressions of interest to George Thompson at
  • Expressions of interest should be accompanied by a CV and an indication of the portfolio areas staff wish to be considered for. Once the Ministry is determined, the Prime Minister will allocate staffing positions. The CVs of staff who wish to continue will be circulated to relevant Ministers.
  • A staffing committee will be established to make recommendations to the Prime Minister about all staffing matters.
  • It is anticipated the Prime Minister will seek the advice of the staffing committee in relation to all senior appointments.
  • All positions at Adviser level and below will need to be endorsed by the Minister responsible for Ministerial and Parliamentary Services (MaPS).
  • All appointments will be subject to a 3 month probationary period.
  • All staff will be required to complete comprehensive Pecuniary Interest Declarations.
  • Senior staff will be required to undertake a rigorous security assessment process.