Harm minimisation? A need for new strategy in the war on drugs? Whatever can Brendan Nelson have been thinking? (click to enlarge)
Harm minimisation? A need for new strategy in the war on drugs? Dr Nelson thinks so. Or thought so.
article-article-bodyHarm minimisation? A need for new strategy in the war on drugs? Whatever can Brendan Nelson have been thinking? (click to enlarge)
“Alston Unwin” and “Altakoi”, if you could actually express reasonable ideas succinctly, I am sure you would do so. But what real, that is, evidence-based, opposition can there be to harm minimization strategies? Please try to become informed!
Harm minimumisation works at keeping an addict alive and safe from injection caused diseased. For as long as an addict remains alive there is hope for them and for those who care. What is the thought process of those who prefer dead or diseased addicts?
Did you know the heroin trials worked?
Now The Netherlands, Spain, England, Canada, Switzerland, Portugal and Germany prescribe heroin to long term addicts. Outcome: Less crime, more addicts quit, more addicts work, less new users because less dealers!
Wow! It sounds like Brendan has me-too’ed the Greens Drug Policy! Whod’a thunk?
Sustaining heroin addicts is a form of abuse. Why not help them to quit cold turkey? Who gains from addicts in jail being tied over on methadone until they get out? It does seem like the justice industry wants the problems to continue to keep their jobs.