Dr Brendan has a new and serious haircut, Julie Bishop has stocked up on Escada and Warren Truss has soaked his foundations in creosote. A whole new wonderful world of irrelevance now awaits the federal coalition.
To prepare for it, Dr Brendan has unveiled an bright, new, young(ish) frontbench.
Young Victorian MP Tony Smith now has purpose in his life once again. The former Costello acolyte will be shadowing Julia Gillard with education, apprenticeships and training.
The energetic – and also youthful – former parliamentary secretary for the environment, Greg Hunt, takes on climate change, environment and urban water.
Young Gold Coaster Steve Ciobo has been given small business, the service economy and tourism; while another youngie, Stirling MP Michael Keenan, becomes shadow assistant treasurer.
Joe Hockey is another big winner, becoming Manager of Opposition Business in the House, as well as gaining health and ageing.
The old school tie means little to Dr Brendan. His fellow Old Ignatian and contender for the deputy leadership Chris Pyne is left to languish on the fringe of the frontbench.
Still, Dr Brendan seems to have a crucial asset for opposition – a sense of humour. He has restored Bronwyn Bishop to the frontbench, as the shadow minister for veterans affairs.
See the full shadow ministry here.
Bronwyn good for a giggle so please leave her there for the entertainment value.
What’s with the Bronwyn hang up? Mrs Bishop is one of the most intelligent MPs, regardless of gender, and it was to Howard’s detriment that he succumbed to trendy pressures to leave her out of the MInistry. One good decision by Nelson.
New Zealand governs from a beehive with no problems.
…well, she is good for a giggle.
Petro Georgios has a small swing to him. He deserves to be in the shadow ministry.