What about the bloggers? A lot of talk today about the PM’s 2020 summit of 1000 smart Australians … I’ll try to be positive and hope that if there is a tech stream (which given neither party had an ICT policy at the election… it’s doubtful) that we’ll have people outside of the self important media/ closed shop big tech companies who think that lowly bloggers are beneath them. Folks who care about innovation and Web 2.0, and not just feathering their own nests and solidifying their positions…which unfortunately is a solid block of our so-called experts. — Duncan Riley

Picking the people. I reckon: 1. The majority should be under the age of 40, with a significant number under 30. This is about the future . 2. The majority should be people most of us have never heard of, not people in the news every week. This is about fresh ideas . This implies that communities need to start identifying and nominating them now . — Stilgherrian

Have your say on the top 1,000. …over at Bloggerati you can vote for who you think should be involved in the Summit. As Laurel Papworth has already observed “it probably won’t do anything but at least you feel like you had a say”. Anyway, you can vote here. — Peter Black’s Freedom to Differ

2020, the blog. The Australian Tech community, and its practitioners working in the Internet and Web industries in particular think this is a great idea and have launched a blog to host discussion about our concerns and issues. 2020summit.org will be a place for the community to host that discussion, bring forward our thought leaders and hopefully, get them in the eye of the 2020 Summit organisers and get them on the panel for the event. — Acidlabs

Addressing country questions. Key rural issues will feature in Kevin Rudd’s 2020 summit … Among the list of 10 areas of debate, special focus will be placed on rural issues and rural communities, with another agenda item also focusing on water and climate change, as part of the environmental debate. — Farmonline

National Indigenous Theatre? This should be added to the list of arts-topics-to-be-discussed at Chairman Rudd’s April Summit for the future. I just received an interesting email from theatre director Wesley Enoch about movements to create a National Indigenous Theatre Company. Please see press release text below. — sydney arts journo

Who will be there? — Take the survey at New Matilda.