Last night’s ABC documentary Jihadi Sheilas profiled two very confused women from troubled backgrounds sucked into the whirlpool combining emotional trauma with jihadist politics.
These women were among many Muslim converts in the 1980s swept away in the hysteria of the US-backed Afghan war against the Soviets. That war was fought by a loose coalition of Afghan tribal militias and a more organised band of Arab fighters led by, amongst others, a man who should really be known as Usama bin Reagan.
Many Western converts left that conflict spiritually scarred and disillusioned with the so-called jihad which, following Soviet withdrawal, descended into brutal tribal civil war. But a small minority, including those with whom Rabiah Hutchinson and Raisa bint Alan Douglas associated, now turned their weapons toward their American ex-backers.
The documentary showed just how easy it is for the wrong set of dominoes to tumble in the lives of desperate converts with few support mechanisms outside the tiny paranoid radical fringe. I remember the period in which these women adopted Islam as one where mainstream Muslim religious institutions were most unwelcoming to converts. It was also a time when two competing forces of political Islam – the US-backed jihadi form of wahhabism and the Iranian revolutionary form of Shi’ism – competed with each other for the hearts and minds of zealous youth and converts.
Many converts I know went through the phase these two women are still afflicted by. However, the spread of mainstream Islam (and with even the Saudi government seeking an alternative to discredited jihadi-wahhabist neo-Conservative theology) has meant most converts have moved on.
Even after making allowances for unfriendly editing, the most damning statements were made not by the assortment of “experts” but by the women themselves. One claimed that Muslim women are attracted to men who carry the sword and espouse jihad. Yeah, right. Speak for yourself, honey. The same woman also claimed Usama bin Reagan took on a pure form of Islam. A bit like suggesting Opus Dei represent pure Catholicism.
The other woman claimed Afghan people want Islam (by which she meant Taliban rule). I encourage her to tell that to Afghan Hazara refugees whose family members were tortured and murdered by the Taliban and whose villages were destroyed because they were Shia. Presumably, like most followers of the jihadist version of wahhabism, she regards Shia Muslims as infidels who can be legitimately put to the sword.
With so much material emerging from the horses’ mouths, one wonders why the documentary makers would compromise the credibility of their work by citing discredited neo-Conservative cultural warriors like Steven Emerson.
One chap named Sheuer, allegedly a CIA operative, claimed Yemen was “a place where radical Islam is taught”. It is also a place where Western students go to learn Arabic and classical Islamic sciences such as Sufism which are shunned by jihadi-wahhabis. You won’t see mainstream Yemeni Islamic scholars like these guys spouting terror.
What many Muslims will find grossly insulting was the constant replay of the Islamic call to ritual worship (known as the adhaan) and the images of the Koran’s Arabic text. Repeatedly these two universal symbols of Islam accompanied images of the burning Twin Towers and other acts of terror. Were the producers trying to send a message that the adhaan is a call to arms? That the Koran was a terrorist training manual?
After watching the women rant on about the boob-jobs of female ASIO agents and claim their fringe version of Islam is truer than all others, I concluded that the Prophet Muhammad was right when he said: “The best of people inside Islam were once the best of people outside Islam”. Which implies that dysfunctional people outside Islam rarely change after adopting the faith.
These women weren’t made dysfunctional by Islamic theology. Sadly, many viewers will now see all Muslim converts through the prism of the Jihad Sheilas.
This means the freaking taxpayer has picked up the tab for a string of children who will be really dysfunctional when they discover the bewildering amount of fathers they have had. God I am sick of the way the taxpayers of this country are treated
I agree. I think most of the audience would quickly see these two women as dysfunctional in any religion. Interesting that neither had positive male role model as a child (one father dead and the other a drunken basher). Are they still looking for one?
Islam must address the question of the rights and freedoms of non believers and infidels in states with Sharia law. Pope John Paul attended the opening of the Rome mosque and appealed for reciprocity ,esp in Saudi Arabia. The appeal fell on deaf ears.
I was affronted by the Jihad Sheilas. Not because of their politics. If al Quaeda is so desperate to attract foreigners that they would use birdbrains like these two, they must be in strife. As someone else said, the women are so dysfunctional …
they are risible in their naîveté. For the ABC to have shown them such po-faced seriousness is demeaning to any religion. However, the part which offends me so deeply, is the string of progeny delivered by the woman who gaily admits to great poverty….