Crikey Reader John Taylor offers the following piece of news analysis. All that we can add is that by and large (we have some issues with the view on whaling) we couldn’t have said it better ourselves:
Here’s the word from the Golf Club (a genuine cross-section of voters) about the “important” things making news this week.
- Nearly time to take the authority for running the country away from the Reserve Bank. They’re a bunch of dills, obsessed with an unsustainable inflation rate, who can’t see that the only people affected by interest rate rises are those who couldn’t afford to buy a plasma TV anyway. One third are really suffering and the rest will spend what they like. Hands up those who’d rather have 4% inflation and everyone with a job than 2-3% and the joint stopped dead in its tracks.
- Anyone in a Bank who would lend 100% plus costs plus mortgage insurance, with the only borrower contribution being the first home buyers grant is Not A Banker’s Ars-hole and deserves everything he gets.
- Anyone who is buying a home, subject to a Mortgage, who doesn’t insure the place does not deserve our sympathy when storms cause the house to collapse.
- Everything to do with Japanese whaling is manufactured media outrage. No-one really gives a f-ck.
- Seven out of ten thought Ray Martin died five years ago. None out of ten had never watched Sunday. Why page one of the SMH?
- A few years ago when California had a dud Governor they invoked something called a “recall” election, ditched the dill and installed Arnie. Why haven’t we got something similar in NSW?
The reserve bank will ensure that we face our own sub prime crisis this year when thousands of fixed rate loans expire and borrowers are then faced with interest rate increases from 6.50% to 9.50%. Maybe the directors want to snap up some cheap houses?