One John did say Sorry. It certainly snuck up on us… Former Prime Minister, John Howard, stubbornly resisted any attempt – for many, many years – for the nation to say “Sorry” to Australia’s Aboriginal population for the Stolen Generations. Actor John Howard (currrently appearing in television’s All Saints ), did once say “Sorry” in the very funny TV mockumentary, The Games , but that one doesn’t count!) — Have Phaser, Will Travel

I’m glad John Howard refused to say sorry . The 11 years of arsehole-ish policy and colonial mentality have made Sorry Day exponentially more valuable, and the fact that the apology isn’t being dragged out of the mouth of someone whose tongue was planted up the Queen of England’s arse for 11 years gives it a dignity it wouldn’t have had coming from Howard. Now, it really means something. — The Voice of Today’s Apathetic Youth

Indoctrination of our kids . Children can’t just know of the apology but must “celebrate” it. And they have to fly the Aboriginal flag as well, which is paying homage to an unrelated and even more divise agenda. I guess the Left is glad at last that John Howard made schools erect those flagpoles. — Andrew Bolt blog

What would God say? God asks us to forgive those who have hurt or offended us, even if they haven’t apologised (Matt.6:12-15). Jesus modeled this personally as he died upon the cross (Luke 23:34). Only as we choose to forgive others, can we avoid a root of bitterness poisoning our own spirit and defiling many others (Heb.12:15) … I think an apology in this case is a good thing but then we need to get on with treating all fellow-Australians (including Indigenous Australians) with love and respect, building a great community for all people to be a part of – regardless of race, religion, or gender. — Mark Conner’s Space

Sorry Day Prayer. This prayer was written for Sorry Day, reflecting concern for the plight of Indigenous Australians. — Heardaboutthisone

Now to Australia. Sorry; it’s one of the most powerful words in the English language. The South African Truth & Reconciliation Commission, and here in NZ, the Waitangi Tribunal carry the spirit of this word in thier deeds. And today it’s Australia’s turn. This is a symbolic gesture, a way of acknowledging wrongs, a turning point. It is a very important and honorable action to take. — Sas’ Magical Mystery Tour