The Federal Court action launched by Nine reporter and current Los Angeles Correspondent Christine Spiteri against her employer last Friday carries claims about the language used by Nine’s head of News and Current Affairs, John Westacott.
It’s claimed in the action that Westacott told a group of female journalists at a book launch last year that they were hired only for their s-x appeal.
“To make it in this industry, you gotta have f-ckability. To make it in this game, women have to be f-ckable,” Westacott is alleged to have said.
Crikey has previously reported some of these comments.
Spiteri has launched an unfair dismissal and s-xual discrimination claim in which she is seeking damages of $US522,497. Her contract will not be renewed at the end of next month.
She also claims Nine has damaged her reputation by claiming she is not “good enough” to host a news program, such as Nightline, having given the position to reporter Michael Usher, and that she is “unable to engage in serious journalism”.
The Federal Court action follows an unsuccessful attempt by Spiteri’s lawyers to settle a similar claim against Nine lodged with the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission in December and January.
(Read the full statement of Claim here or click the image below)
Good luck, Christine. Consider this – Richie Benaud is nearly a hundred, not out, and his “career” is life long. Does anyone remember Nicky Buckley? She was in her early ’30’s and “over the hill”. Watch out for those varicose veins, Eddie doesn’t like ’em
westacott is clearly a pig. and the industry is rank. maja, you’re an idiot as well.
good luck christine, you deserve the $ and more.
You only have to look at the number of unattractive female journalists on tv (very few) as opposed to the number of unattractive male journalists (lots) to see that she’s right about women having to be f-ckable.