Is The West Australian going to put new Opposition Leader in WA, Troy Buswell out of his misery? Troy Buswell was recently elected Liberal Leader despite revelations that he got drunk at Parliament and undid the bra of an unwilling female Labor staffer. Apparently this staffer is yet to return to work after the incident. Media circles are abuzz with talk that Troy’s opponents in the Liberal Party have fed another damaging story to The West’s political editor, Robert Taylor. Word on the hill is that if details of the distasteful episode emerge it would end the career of Buswell. The timing of Buswell’s demise appears to be in the hands of the Robert Taylor and the editor Paul Armstrong. Perhaps they’re waiting for this weekend’s Liberal State Conference to drop the bombshell.

Nice of Brendan Nelson to conclude his speech in support of yesterday’s motion congratulating Israel on the 60th anniversary of its foundation with “shabbat shalom — forever”. Which means “have a good Sabbath… forever.” Not quite right for a Wednesday — and “forever”? “Shabbat shalom rules!” would’ve been hipper, if no more accurate.

A colleague has just switched her flights for a holiday in Hawaii from Jetstar to Hawaiian Airlines after cancellation insurance was denied for her first choice of airline. She was told the risk of Jetstar cancelling flights was too high because of the volume of previous claims for cancellation insurance to be issued.

ABC Production Resources: It’s worth keeping an eye on around 20 March as there might be some announcement regarding restructuring of internal TV production resources. Internal gossip has it that the ABC will not live within it’s current triennial allocation and need to make savings by… redundancies. Which may fit into the plan of utilising the external production sector more and minimising the use of antiquated internal facilities like Ripponlea and the staff required to produce internally. The CPSU site has a current issue which alludes to something happening in the near future. Well, that’s the rumour but one worth keeping an eye on.