Everything is going splendidly on the Olympic Torch Relay. Just lovely thanks. This just in from the official Beijing 2008 website:
The sacred flame has so far passed through Almaty in Kazakhstan, Istanbul in Turkey, St. Petersburg in Russia and London in Britain. People along the Torch Relay route have extended the flame a warm welcome and the relay is proceeding successfully as planned … all Torch Relay cities have given strong support for the event. At each stop of the Olympic Torch Relay, the city’s local government has held a grand welcoming ceremony and various celebrations.
Below we see official vision released today by the Beijing Organising Committee of the torch making its way through the streets of Paris. Great to see everything going so well.
Hang on, if you read down on the official website, it does mention the protests. One-sidedly, yes, but they are mentioned in detail.
And what a load of hypocrisy by the west. We tried to boycott Russia for invading Afghanistan in 1979 yet we have occupied Afghanistan for one Olympics already and going into the second one the Afghan people are worse off than anytime in their history.
England leads the charge on the disabling of the flame carried by ordinary citizens while they are stil occupying Iraq since the last Olympics – about 1 million citizens are dead due to the crimes of mother England, Bush and Australia.
Even in Australia during our own Olympics we had innocent people in concentration camps in the desert being water cannoned and tear gassed for the crime of wanting to be released.
Hypocrites and snivellers in the west want violent protest to help the Tibetans and cheer when Israel murders more Palestinians, or more muslims die in some part of the world.
I might boycott watching the games so I don’t have to watch the thugs in the west lording it all over everyone else.