If only all tax increases were this easy. The Federal Government introduces a surprise tax rise, and actually gets applauded for it.
Then again, it’s rare that the impact of a tax is primarily on young women, many of them below voting age, who are being demonised as binge drinkers (cue the usual file footage of semi-conscious teens staggering around, or belting each other). They’re unlikely to get a particularly sympathetic run in the media.
Especially when you’ve got heavyweight handwringers like the Alcohol and Other Drugs Council, and the Australian Drug Foundation, cheering the Government on, and it’s only days since the 2020 summit Health stream recommended higher sin taxes.
We’ve still yet to see any evidence that binge drinking is now any worse than in the past, when Passion Pop and rum’n’cokes, rather than RTDs, were the chick drinks of choice. But the debate has moved beyond that. The middle-class wowsers, keen to demonstrate their moral superiority, have politicians and the media convinced our yoof are going to hell in an alcohol-laden handcart. Not that either group, for their separate reasons, ever needed much convincing.
So that’s $500m a year in extra revenue for the Government, and the only dispute is over whether the Howard Government should’ve done the same a few years back. Nice work.
What’s alarming is that the Government felt compelled to justify the tax rise by declaring that a “significant proportion” of the revenue would be directed to the new black in health funding, preventative health programs. The concept is called “hypothecation” and it’s on the rise as politicians try to defend unpopular taxes. Apparently – and there’s no evidence to actually demonstrate this – taxation is considered more palatable if the revenue is directed into programs related to the area being taxed.
The transport industry and petrolheads have been at it for decades, arguing that more petrol excise should be spent on roads. Road safety campaigners have pushed for revenue raised from traffic infringements to only go to road safety programs. The health sector have been pushing for higher taxes on alcohol for years to fund more health spending, and the idea got another go round at the 2020 summit.
But it’s voodoo tax policy. People who want existing taxes redirected to their preferred cause are just like any other rent-seeker or lobby group, except they’re hiding behind some fake notion of fiscal justice. And they never explain what school or hospitals should be closed to cover the reduced funding that, say, more road expenditure would require. Proceeds from the Medicare levy don’t quite stretch to cover the nation’s health budget, for example.
And if there’s additional revenue, then all stakeholders should have the opportunity to argue where it would be best spent, not just the nanny-statists determined to stamp out recreational activities they disapprove of. If there’s a case for more spending on preventative health – and there is – then it should be funded from general revenue, not linked to specific taxes. That just reduces spending and policy flexibility for governments and establishes meaningless linkages.
And in any event, the people likely to be forking out this additional $500m a year are unlikely to care either way where the money is spent.
Download Bernard Keane’s take on the new tax via Crikey Podcasts here
Bernard: I wish to apologize for my comments yesterday. For once I disagreed with what you said. However, to have been as offensive as I was is unforgivable. 🙂
Hey Chris,
Save yourself some serious cash! Grab a bottle of bacardi and some schweppes lime or raspberry soft drink and mix your own…Add about three teaspoons of sugar to a glass and presto!!
Instant bacardi breezer
…..good luck in your retirement with your investments (:
I think that it was a wise move to increase the tax on these drinks. I do not know why thier introduction was snactioned in the first place. I suspect that it was the free alcohol from producing low strength bear tht mad it possible . To make a drink that is sweet but with a relatively high alcohol content is trap for the young. Good idea Rudd and Swan!
It is appropriate that the tax on ‘alcopops” are increased. Nicola Roxon’s bs swipe at the previous government was a cheap shot and shoud be seen as such. How disingenuous then to seek an ‘excuse’/ hypothecation. It has the smell of ex-Victorian ALP staffers all over it. I do hope this government will amount to more than the cynical pr manipulation characteristic of this Victorian state government
Good thing speed is so cheap … ferris wheels and merry-go-rounds and all that