Nostalgia rears its silly head. Throwing off the mistakes of the past is never easy; just look at the Liberal Party and its attitude to industrial relations. There is not the slightest doubt that the WorkChoices laws of John Howard were a principal reason for the Coalition’s defeat last year. Campaigning to restore WorkChoices would guarantee defeat next time. Yet Opposition Leader Brendan Nelson could not help himself the moment a journalist gave him a peg to hang a comment on to suggest that John Howard was right all along – WorkChoice legislation was good and abolishing it was bad. The man is a light weight and Kevin Rudd’s honeymoon will continue forever if he is not replaced.
Crude oil at $US120 plus a barrel. One good thing about the extraordinarily high price of crude oil is that it will put to the test the theory that increasing the price of petrol will lead to less greenhouse gas emissions as people use less. My guess is that it will not – not here in Australia nor in the rapidly developing Chinese motoring market.
Market moves strongly to Obama. The verdict of the voters of North Carolina and Indiana is in and the market has interpreted Barack Obama to be the clear winner overall. He is now rated an 82% chance on Betfair to finally gain the Democratic Party nomination and at 86% on Intrade.
I have pocketed my Indiana gains and quit my position supporting Clinton to finally get there. The plea for financial support in Hillary’s “victory” speech had the look of desperation about it to me and the black vote support for Obama today was so strong that for the Democrats to deny him the party’s nomination would potentially lead considerable numbers staying away from the polls altogether if their man is not on the ballot against Republican John McCain. The veteran conservative columnist Robert Novak summarised yesterday’s results in this way:
Nevertheless, Clinton cannot catch Obama, and the bottom line is race. Obama won over 90 percent of the African-American vote in both states Tuesday, and that made life difficult for Clinton. Super-delegates flinch at going for Clinton because it would be seen as intentionally blocking the first black candidate with a chance to be nominated for president-threatening to alienate the most loyal element in the Democratic Party’s base.
The Daily Reality Check
The dancer just keeps on turning and the readers just keep on looking. The Right Brain vs Left Brain test is back on top of the Herald Sun website’s most read lists, seven months after making its first appearance. And people deciding if the dancer is turning clockwise or anti-clockwise has returned to the Daily Telegraph list as well. Not on top mind you. There’s the puzzle of whether Big Brother co-host Jackie O is a victim of body dysmorphia for Sydneysiders to solve first.
The Pick of this Morning’s Political Coverage
- Budget to target benefits for the well-off – Michelle Grattan, The Age
- NZ undoes $1m whale case against Japan – Dennis Shanahan, The Australian
- Resource-rich WA well shielded from looming global cooling – Shane Wright, The West Australian
- Parents must approve if teens want to pierce their body – Clare Masters and Alice Coote, The Daily Telegraph
What the world is reading on the net
I wonder how many people would have to be killed for a natural disaster to become the most read story around the world? Not 100,000 or so by a cyclone in Burma obviously. The readers of the London Times and the ABC are very much the exceptions this morning in having Burma at the top of their most read lists. In Australia, eight of the 10 sites we survey each day did not have Burma even in the top five. At least most of the editors of international newspapers rated the story of this unfolding tragedy as being the one to feature even if their readers looked elsewhere. In Australia not one of the Murdoch tabloids thought 100,000 deaths worth leading with.
- Australia – The Australian: Obama has Clinton on the ropes
- United States – LA Times: Border busts coming and going
- United States – USA Today: Clinton lends campaign $6.4M for ongoing primary fight
- UK – The Independent: Picture Post: Red-carpet superheroes… and villains
- UK – The Times: Burma cyclone: up to 50,000 dead and millions homeless, but still no call for aid
- Singapore – The Straits Times: Shrinking Singapore Motorshow will go on
- China – The People’s Daily: Hu: China-Japan relations facing new opportunities for further development
- Canada – Toronto Globe and Mail: GG angers Bloc with statements about Quebec
- India – Times of India: 100-yr-old temple in Pak being used as auto workshop
Quote of the Day:
There may only be three people in Australia who don’t believe that inflation is hurting working families through rising prices and rising mortgages. Dr Nelson, Mr Turnbull, and the Tooth Fairy. And all three are out of touch on this question.
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd speaking in Perth yesterday
Agree Nelson and the Liberal Party are a little mad to pander to Howard’s legacy on IR because even if it was one way of keeping inflation low it was surely a cruel and regressive way of doing it given the two speed economy and all that. And Howard so misjudged the outpourings on dangerous climate fear and loathing. Then the simple weariness with divisive coded attacks on multiculturalism that degrades most people’s innate sense of a fair go for the individual without bias. I mean he lost because he really did lose. Which brings me to your last point about tragedy unfolding in Burma. We are such a coastal population and surely feel close to and sympathise with the awesome power of the ocean. If Al Gore is right that the storm intensity relates to greater energy in a warmer world (not just mangrove removal which seems way too cute) then we are in a political feedback loop here. Rudd’s Kyoto etc moves seem more valid in such times, may the cyclone victims RIP and speed the rescuers too