As the stalemate between the international community and
In 2005, UN members unanimously endorsed that “each individual State has the responsibility to protect its populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity.” With the “responsibility to protect” comes the idea that sovereignty can, in some circumstances, be breached when a State fails in the duty to its people. In 2006, the “responsibility to protect” notion was adopted by the UN Security Council.
France’s Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner says it’s time to use this provision to get aid into Myanmar; ignore sovereignty issues and march help in. But Kouchner is on fairly flimsy ground here.
For a start, sovereignty is something that can’t so easily be thrown aside. If you don’t respect it, you end up very quickly sliding into the terrain of double standards. Why act on Myanmar for example, but not on the longer-standing problem of Sudan? What of cyclones in South America? When they affect Cuba for example, the West isn’t exactly too quick to intervene. Yet it’s the same type of natural disaster.
You also have to be careful about invoking Security Council Resolutions, given the perception that they’re decisions made only by the rich and powerful with little respect for smaller nations’ wishes. There is currently huge pressure and calls to reform the SC, which is perceived as an unduly privileged body of the UN.
Moreover, the whole idea of intervention, which presumes that “the intervener” always knows what it’s doing, is flawed – as the Iraq case has dramatically brought out.
It’s interesting that most of the countries calling for intervention in Burma are distanced from the area. As soon as you look at the map, it strikes you. So why are we not asking ASEAN countries to get their act together? Why is no-one thinking regionally?
In the same way that South Africa is being pressured to change its position on Zimbabwe in order to assert its influence on the failing nation, ASEAN’s members could be encouraged to pressure Myanmar. ASEAN is the only international body in which Myanmar is being a bit co-operative, so this is an important route for action.
The body has shown it can intervene successfully in its own region — for example in its handing of Indonesia’s haze issue from burning forests. There have been some agreements between Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia to help on the ground. And Myanmar would not want to annoy Singapore and its huge army.
If you take the long view, the military regime at the moment is incredibly unlucky at what’s happening. After months of international pressure from abroad, the thing that will kill the junta may well be this natural disaster. It is very difficult for politically unstable regimes to survive natural disasters. The French Revolution, for one, was kicked off in a year of widespread famine. Natural disasters can help precipitate regime changes. This is something for foreign countries to bear in mind. Of course that doesn’t help the people on the ground but you can’t ignore the political complexity.
As Burma is resource rich I imagine that any intervention would be jumped on by the two most powerful players in the game. America and China. Contrary to popular opinion, neither country would have a qualm about killing off another couple of hundred thousand Burmese. Wouldn’t the idea be to try to save their lives rather than risk them further?
Apart from setting a precedent,I would have thought that forcible intervention would be counter productive. You might find that the Junta would resist and instead of getting on with the relief you find yourself at war or near war, which would render any attempt at relief lost on the battlefield. The junta in any case has some covert support from India , China and Singapore by way of trade.
Interesting point about ASEAN getting its act together. My question is, why should they have to be pressured? Why are they not acting as a unified pressure body on the Burmese General without the rest of the world asking them. It appears the only Asian country doing much is Thailand, yet even that Govt is going softly softly. Indonesia are pathetic as usual, their record on human rights is as bad as any country in the region, Burma excepted. Singapore should be making very loud noises as should Malaysia. I agree the major powers should forget pushing for a marchin, but the regional Governments must show some leadership and tell the Generals to act or they will. China doesnt want to get involved in a conflict of any kind, there assistance so far seems to be negligible. Their Olympic Games success is all they are worried about, time their bluff was called. There is a monumental example of genocide being committed against the Burmese people one way or another the illegal regime must pay
Why is Crikey (or it’s correspondents) participating in allowing BURMA to be called Myanmar? Even Google seems to be doing it but has put a bracketed “Burma” in their appeal request recently.
I agree wholeheartedly with the French foreign minister Bernard Kouchner that the time has come to intervene, that is by or on behalf of the UN, not by an individual state or group of powerful states. The 2006 “responsibility to protect” notion provides the opportunity. This would be a step forward for the UN which certainly is, as well all know, in need of reform and in need of given more muscle by the international community, certainly for humanitarian reasons or on ecological grounds. Here is a clear case of irresponsible behaviour and lack of protection which could easily result in an ever greater catastrophe than is already a fact. These incompetent military rulers need to be retired compulsorily by the international community as soon as possible. Their behaviour can only result in further unnecessary loss of life and, very likely civil war, and regional conflict. In my view the UN has a duty to intervene and no time should be wasted about reservations. Action is essential here.