Today is Wayne’s day, and we wouldn’t want to take that away from him.
But maybe, just maybe, we miss the smirk a little…
Here’s audio of former Treasurer Peter Costello’s doorstop this morning. Perhaps he’s missing the spotlight a little, or perhaps not. Listen as he does a mean impression of Sky News’s Political Editor David Speers, giggles, and tells the media that he basically doesn’t give a toss …
Click on the smirk:
Tom, Bev and Harvey there are other journos named Michelle. That audio does not sound like Michelle Grattan. Besides PC was jovial and certainly ( unlike you lot ) far from being rude or inappropriate. But don’t let the facts get in the way of your prejudice. Your comments below are more overtly silly than usual.
If I were Peter Costello I would be calling Michelle Grattan with a really sincere grovel and a leaked cabinet minute because she might have thick lenses on her glasses but only a fool doesn’t respect her awesome credentials as a journalist, and admire her veteran status and wit. Just pick up the hand set, move index finger, have lower jaw move up and down with air flowing through larynx. It’s easy really. God love ya Michelle Grattan doing your job amongst brutes like this. Radio National live is a must 7.35 am after interminable sport and damn it running into the 7.45 news on the sister channel.
And wasn’t it hilarious to hear the simpering, giggling, fawning journos as they huddled around Costello. No wonder he had them all bluffed for years. Of course the good times were all Costello’s work, according to him. But the voters weren’t fooled and his approval rating all those years showed it. Perhaps if the journos had given his work closer scrutiny then he would not have been able to wear the smirk for so many years.
Mmm seems Stephen Mayne agrees it WAS Cobber Grattan as per his budget pieces, but agree Peter was mainly trying to be jovial rather than malicious. Actually what the tete a tete reflected IMHO is MG’s understated intellectual leadership and insight (that Costello being very experienced knows) sets an example to the younger members of the pack. The last thing PC thought he could afford exposed just then doing his genuinely humorous schtik was for his ‘sensitivity’ about relevance deprivation syndrome (with Swan in his gig now after 13 years). MG graciously acknowledged PC’s ‘theatrical’ talent this morning on abc RN too, not a hint of justified annoyance at his cruel sledge. So at that very moment Peter was quite exposed emotionally, there really is a vulnerable human under the real politik carapace and MG with an innocent observation drew that all out with: ‘You look a bit sensitive’. A bit more self awareness, a bit more maturity, a bit more honesty and he would have agreed? It’s OK.
I heard PC in his doorstop say that WS is the luckiest treasurer in the world having inherited from him a powerful surplus to work with.
Well it wasn’t PCostello who has given the extremely lucky WSwan the surplus to work with. It was thanks to CPC. Communist Party of China that’s making the PC Libs love themselves and their lives.
Communists, those subhuman things (like terrorists) that the Libs hated so much they relished in the killing of millions of them in Indonesia, Vietnam, Bali (where no commo’s lived) but 80,000 to 100,000 were slaughtered just for target practice. Those of us who didn’t condone this psychopathic hate of commo’s have the right to kiss commo China’s bum but those others should pay for the privilege