It remains to be seen how the Guantanamo decision overnight will affect the presidential race, but there’s no doubt the Dems will try to make the Bush Gitmo legacy stick to McCain. Meanwhile, the race turned ugly this week with a Fox News racial slur against Michelle Obama. The GOP’s also campaigning against her, and is refusing to rule out using Barack Obama’s former pastor in attack ads during the campaign.

Guantanamo enters the campaign lexicon – The Supreme Court decision overnight that gives suspected terrorists the right to challenge their detention in federal court has come just in time to make Gitmo a hot election issue. It’s now another legacy Dubya issue that McCain will have to deal with.

Politico reports that the Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has led the Dem charge, praising the court for “upholding the constitution of the US” and calling again for Gitmo to be shut down.

Bush impeachment documents – RealClearPolitics writes up Democrat Congressman Dennis Kucinich’s articles of impeachment against President Bush, saying they will only have symbolic effect but “you cannot find a more complete and compelling indictment of the Bush administration than Kucinich has presented in his articles.”

Michelle Obama under fire – Not a great couple of days for Michelle Obama, who copped a racial slur courtesy of Fox News, and is also being attacked directly by the GOP. Fox News has taken a drubbing in the blogosphere for referring to Michelle Obama as “baby mama” (see the urban dictionary definition here and ponder, as we do, how it applies to the Obama family).  As one blogger put it: “Fox News would like to take a moment to remind you that the Obamas are as black as satan’s festering, baby-eating soul”.

The GOP has also stepped up attacks on Obama’s wife. Politico reports that the Dems are expecting a concerted effort during the campaign to paint Michelle as an unpatriotic radical after former Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger introduced John McCain’s wife at a fundraiser this week as someone who is “proud of her country, not just once but always.”

Will Obama’s Pastor problem rise again? Barack Obama’s family has already cut ties with longtime pastor Reverend Wright to distance the candidate from the often racially charged opinions put forward by the outspoken pastor. But the Huffington Post says Republican National Committee chair Robert Duncan is dodging the question of whether the GOP will use Wright in attack ads during the campaign.

Ron Paul bows out – Liberal-leaning Republican Ron Paul has formally ended his campaign for president and launched a new campaign aimed at injecting his small-l liberal policies – which include opposing the Iraq war and interventionist government – into the Republican party. The Lew Rockwell blog said Paul is not expected to endorse McCain and his targets will remain “the warfare state, the Federal Reserve, and the income tax”.

More on why Hillary lost. Huffington Post has an interesting feature today on lessons we learned from Hillary’s campaign. It looks at her wins and losses and how female voters will respond to an Obama/McCain contest.