New species. Thousands of new plants and animals are discovered every year, but only a select few make it in to the International Institute for Species Exploration’s Top 10 New Species List. This year’s list includes a new species of box jellyfish which killed an American tourist in Queensland, one of the most venomous snakes in the world, and a hot pink millipede. — LiveScience
Cloud seeding. Drought is devastating many parts of Australia, but in the US they have an idea to beat it. Los Angeles plans to spend $800,000 on cloud seeding, by shooting loads of silver iodidie into the air. While it may seem harebrained, the last time they tried it in L.A. it may have contributed to floods and mudslides that caused 11 deaths. — New Republic
Golf, Trump-style. Donald Trump’s proposal to build an environmentally friendly golf course in northern Scotland has been shot down. The Don planned to build the world’s best golf course at the site near Aberdeen, which is home to a variety of wildlife. Trump claimed his course was more likely to improve the local environment than damage it. Surprisingly the locals didn’t believe him. — Urbanworkbench
Emitters. China is now the biggest global emitter of carbon dioxide, responsible for a quarter of world emissions. However, China still trails the US in emission per capita, emitting just 5.1 tonnes per person annually compared to America’s 19.4 tonnes. — Carbon Positive
No need to look to the U.S. for a story about cloud seeding. It’s been done by the Hydro in Tasmania for years, decades even. There even just happens to be a story out about it today: