What a bloody sook Alexander Downer is. His response today in The Sydney Morning Herald to Peter Hartcher’s savage farewelling of him last week contains a standard-issue lament about the anti-conservative bias of the Australian media.
Given that the Howard Government benefited from a decade of cheerleading from The Australian, where Downer has his own personal and deeply-embedded spruiker in Greg Sheridan, the claim is risible. Though not, as it turns out, as risible as the rest of Downer’s self-defence, which is entirely silent on such trivial matters as Iraq and AWB’s bribery — which we now discover extended to India as well.
Worst of all, Downer questions Hartcher’s seriousness. Hartcher’s critique was damning exactly because he and other commentators take foreign policy seriously, and don’t see it, as Downer did, as simply an extension of a crass domestic political agenda. Australian public life is the better for Downer’s departure.
Downer says in the article in the SMH, that there are “commentators such as Hartcher who….just want to make puerile anti-conservative party political points”
Having read this ‘editorial’ and many others of a similar ilk from Crikey, I would think Hartcher’s hatchet job was mild in comparison.
Thankfully few read this drivel.
I predict Crikey will continue to remain irrelevant and continue to pay damages if these journalistic and editorial ‘standards’ continue.
Yes Dolly is precious as he still tries to defend lying to the world about the 1999 referendum massacres in East Timor by pretending that we couldn’t just invade the place.
Which of course was not the question nor the answer. All the world wanted was the truth about who was doing the killing so they could save lives. Downer lied and said it was just a few rogues when it was actually Indonesia.
I believe civil trials start against AWB this month. Might make life interesting. Also with Howard’s office up to it’s eyeballs in the scam against Haneef how far involved was Dolly?