Celebrity games swallow the candidates and their wives; those damned dodgy donations again; and although McCain can’t use the interwebs Wikipedia reveal his speechwriter sure as hell can.

McCain inflates Obama celebrity more, raises s-x appeal. John McCain’s campaign has released a new web ad (view it here) that continues to portray Barack Obama as a bigger-than-the-Beatles celebrity but that also directly raises the matter of his s-x appeal for the first time. — Politico

Obama tries to turn “celebrity” label on McCain. Barack Obama is out to show that two can play the “celebrity game” with a new ad Monday labeling his Republican opponent John McCain as Washington’s biggest celebrity. — MSNBC

If Tyra Is Michelle Obama, Then Who Is Cindy McCain? – In the current issue of Harper’s Bazaar, there’s a full fashion editorial featuring Tyra Banks as Michelle Obama. You know, because they have so much in common. Like, they’re black. They’re both on TV a lot. And they’re both… um… let’s see… Michelle went to Princeton and Harvard Law School, while Tyra went to… Columbus University in the movie Higher Learning… and… uh… — Huffington Post

Did McCain Plagiarise His Speech on the Georgia Crisis?. A Wikipedia editor emailed Political Wire to point out some similarities between John McCain’s speech today on the crisis in Georgia and the Wikipedia article on the country Georgia. Given the closeness of the words and sentence structure, most would consider parts of McCain’s speech to be derived directly from Wikipedia. — CQ Politics

Watchdog seeks federal investigation of McCain donations. A political watchdog group has called for investigations to determine whether fundraisers for John McCain’s presidential campaign arranged illegal “straw” donations — contributions from people who did not spend their own money. — McClatchy