Focus shifts from environment to economy. A new survey suggests the commitment of Australians to tackling climate change might be waning. The Lowy Institute surveys the attitudes of Australians to foreign policy issues every year. This year, climate change has slipped in ranking from first to fifth most important. Those surveyed still consider both global warming and water shortages critical threats to the country. But tackling climate change itself has fallen as a foreign policy goal, replaced by job security and strengthening the economy. — ABC

Chinese milk scare spreads abroad. Two weeks after the growing scare in China over melamine-contaminated infant formula, and after being repeatedly assured that US food supplies are safe, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued is first recall for products growing out of the melamine scare. On Friday, the FDA warned consumers about Mr. Brown instant coffee and tea drinks. They contain a nondairy creamer made in China that may be contaminated with melamine. FDA also warned consumers about the consumption of White Rabbit Creamy Candy. New Zealand has found melamine contamination at high levels in the candy, and the candy has been reportedly exported to more than 50 countries. — The Smart Mama

The thrills of exercise. Though I’d wish every little thing on Earth to be greener, a pedal-powered Japanese Roller Coaster part of a green amusement park (The Skycycle at Washuzan Highland Park in Okayam), is not exactly what I was thinking of. See who cares about the environment? Japan does! — Green Packs

Hybrid motorbikes on the horizon. Honda will start selling gas-electric Hybrid Motorcycles in two years, and all-electric motorcycles in three, according to a report in Japan’s Mainichi newspaper. The hybrid hog will use the same technology as Honda’s hybrid cars, but miniaturized. The conventional wisdom has been that building hybrid motorcycles would be impossible, but Honda says they can do it. — The Raw Feed