Sarah Palin has put her foot in it again. The Empty Wheel dissects the issue of age in response to Palin’s crack about Senator Biden.

The Empty Wheel raises the obvious in an article about Palin’s blunder:

“Engaging in a bit of trash talk before Thursday’s debate yesterday, Sarah Palin made fun of Biden’s age:

‘I do look forward to Thursday night and debating Sen. Joe Biden. We’re gonna talk about those new ideas, new energy for America. I’m looking forward to meeting him too. I’ve never met him before, but I’ve been hearing about his Senate speeches since I was in like second grade.’

Set aside the fact that Sarah Palin’s interest in the US Senate pretty obviously began about twelve years ago, when she started sucking at Uncle Toobz’s earmark teat while Mayor of Wasilla. Palin’s crack, though an obvious lie, is sort of funny, flipping Biden’s extensive experience on its head.”

Read the full story here.