Liveblogging the VP debate
And they're off! Here's some links to interesting blogs which are live blogging the Sarah Palin - Joe Biden debate.
article-article-bodyAnd they're off! Here's some links to interesting blogs which are live blogging the Sarah Palin - Joe Biden debate.
And Palin is persisting with the “Joe Six Pack” and “Hockey Mom” stuff. This was old 2 weeks ago, and it’s just becoming grating now. She only looked weak when she did the whole “hokey” thing, but everything else was highly scripted. She’s obviously been highly trained in the last couple of weeks, but there are still 5 weeks before the election.
It’s hugely unfortunate that the first GOP VP female candidate is someone that is completely ill prepared for the role. This is not a failing of Palin, but a failing of her party.
Palin looking very rehearsed and only talking about herself and Alaska. Biden looking much smarter but some will see him as condescending. He’s quite impressive.