A man laying claim to the “Palin didn’t know Africa was a continent” story has been found out to be an elaborate hoax, reports the New York Times. But was he really the source?
“The claim of credit for the Africa anecdote is just the latest ruse by Eisenstadt, who turns out to be a very elaborate hoax that has been going on for months. MSNBC, which quickly corrected the mistake, has plenty of company in being taken in by an Eisenstadt hoax, including The New Republic and The Los Angeles Times.
“Now a pair of obscure filmmakers say they created Martin Eisenstadt to help them pitch a TV show based on the character. But under the circumstances, why should anyone believe a word they say?”
Read the full story here.
Well, in fairness, it’s not clear yet whether the entire Africa story was a hoax. Even though this guy has claimed to be the source, Fox News say the fictional Eisenstadt was NOT the anonymous source of the story: http://hotair.com/archives/2008/11/13/no-martin-eisenstadt-wasnt-fox-newss-source-for-the-palin-africa-smear/
Brilliant. Simply brilliant. Whilst some might approach this from the “Rathergate”, “This proves liberal bias” angle. I would look at it from the prism of the “Surrealism of politics” – Politics as a conceptual art piece.
To think Palin’s credibility has been sunk by 3. Count them THREE constructs/art-pieces/parodies
1) The charming and brillliant Tina Fey
2) The Canadian phone pranksters
3) This latest hoaxer