Three young Australians go to the Middle East and become spokespeople for an organization that has killed over 800 people, including numerous innocent men, women and children in the space of a few short weeks. And they are defenders of an organisation that is using dangerous tools of chemical warfare, and which is, prima facie committing war crimes by targeting schools and other infrastructure where the UN flag is flying, and where civilians are sheltering from the constant violence.
I speak of course of Mark Regev from Melbourne who is spokesman to Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Benjamin Rutland from Sydney who is, along with fellow Sydney sider, Guy Spigelman, a spokesman for the Israeli Defence Force. All three have been prominent in denying that Israel has acted in violation of human rights standards and international law as it continues its pounding of the world’s largest refugee camp — the Gaza Strip. All three are strident and unapologetic in their defence of Israel’s conduct. They are articulate and their English is word perfect — they are part of the well oiled Israeli propaganda machine that relentlessly spins its way through every difficult situation, such as the targeting of a school flying a UN flag last week.
If these Australians were members of, or spokespeople for say Hamas, or the Iran or Syria, the media in this country would have a field day in running front page headlines like ‘Aussie terror fighters.’ The Rudd government would be contemplating whether or not they should be charged with criminal offences. They would be castigated by politicians for supporting an organization or cause that causes so much bloodshed and suffering.
Australians who are propagandists for Israel in relation to its conduct in the Gaza Strip should be subjected to the same scrutiny and if appropriate, criticism by the Australian media as any Australian citizen who actively backs any illegitimate cause pursued by an organization or country in the world.
So how did Regev, Rutland and Spigelman become such prominent members of the well oiled Israeli propaganda machine? They are not simply hired guns doing a job, but committed members of the cause of Israel:
Regev, born in 1960 and the son of Holocaust survivors, was educated at Melbourne University and was active in Jewish student affairs there as a member of an idealist, socialist Zionist movement. He has impressive American academic credentials and emigrated to Israel in 1991. He was born Mark Freiberg, but changed his name to that of his adoptive Kibbutz parents because he was troubled by having a German surname. Regev is a seasoned PR flack — he was the spokesman for the Israeli embassy in Washington for a number of years.
Spigelman and Rutland are an interesting pair. Not only are they Israeli Defence Force spokesmen but both are heavily involved in Israeli politics. Spigelman, who has lived in Israel since 1994, ran for the Israeli Labour Party in the 2006 general election and Rutland helped to run his campaign.
In short, Regev, Rutland and Spigelman are not your average flacks or talking heads. They are true believers in the Israeli cause in the same way that their opponents in Hamas or in the Palestinian camp are fervent in their support. It’s just that the former trio do not attract the same headlines from the Australian media.
A timely article.
It’s not so much that the trio is particularly polished or adroit, but rather that they’re rarely if ever confronted by a determined, probing media (In the same way that some politicians don’t so much win power..Victoria a great example…through their own efforts but rather through the stupidity of their opponents…such as exampled by Kennett and Bracks).
Regev’s performance on the ABC’s 7.30 report earlier this week was a case in point….not once, not twice, not three times but at least four time Regev had Hezbollah fighting in Gaza,,,stumbling over
himself in each instance.
But, crushingly slow though it may be, truth does out.
The UN’s Human Rights Council DID adopt a motion denouncing Israel’s “grave” human rights breaches in Gaza; the International Red Cross…usually very diplomatic….has openly expressed its outrage, pointing the the killing of medics, the shelling of medical facilities and the destruction of ambulances; and today The Lancet went into print denouncing Israel’s ‘atrocities’ in Gaza. Clearly, Israel has been assisted in its war on Gaza by outgoing President Bush’s decision to provide it with a 3 week long open cheque to do whatever it wanted in the final days of his administration.
Pity the UN Secretary General escaped criticism for going along with US and Israel by refusing to talk with or meet Hamas reps. Israel adores recognition.
The denunciations of Israel I have referred to should help clear the path for incoming President Obama to return the US’s Mid East policy making from Tel Aviv to Washington.
A thought Greg, I read and admired your earlier article on war crimes. It would be great if the Canberra Times could throw open its pages to such a debate…on how Israel might fare were it to be taken before the International Criminal Court (regardless of a US veto in the real world) to face such charges.
It could even lead to a hyperthetical on the 7.30 Report…if only it had the energy!!
Randy, Cal, Eric, Ben, Gary, jenny, brenny…
Surely you forgot to read the first paragraph. For humanities sake, you did didn’t you.
These three Australians are spokespeople for a country that has KILLED THOUSANDS of people in the past few years. Mostly Civilian, mostly women and children under 16.
They are spokespeople for a country which has just been accused of GENOCIDE by the UNITED NATIONS.
Spot on Greg. If they had been Hamas or another “targeted” organisation, it would be known across Australia…maybe today/tonite or curent affair etc chasing up their families and asking “politely” why their sons support and are spokesmen for such causes. Hypocritical media who are controlled just like the US press.
As for the clarion brigade, some quick facts. Hamas is the elected govt of the Palestinian people. Because the Israel/ US militarily backed Fatah ,even with the “friendly” militant Dahlan ,got their butt kicked does not allow the Israeli govt to impose the inhuman conditions of the blockade. As far as the West Bank is concerned, the illegal settlements continue under the “compliant” US/Israel backed Fatah. Thats why the Palestinians voted, under free and fair elections, Hamas. The true “nationalist Palestinians” in the west bank are under the Fatah thumb. Egypt , as anyone who knows history, is controlled by the US and some of the large protests against this murderous campaign have ocurred there, but were repressed by the military. As far as Hamas being a “terrorist” organisation, what do you expect from the US and its allies??. US foreign policy is written in Tel aviv. Its the Fatah arms caches that Hamas is using in its defence….the very same weapons the US gave Fatah to crush Hamas.
What certain people want is a quiet complicit Palestinian population who will do what their masters, Israel, require. But unfortunately the Palestininas dont understand this and they want EQUAL RIGHTS AND THEIR LAND BACK….and for those who claim they want a 2 state solution….how can the people have that when the IDF control their borders, air and sea space.
This is truly poisonous nonsense.
Hamas are listed as a terrorist organisation by the EU, the US, and Australia. Their charter is self evidently radical Islamist, not Palestinian Nationalist. If there were a 2 state solution to the conflict – which i fervently hope for – they would reject it. Their stated objective is not to secure a Palestinian state, but to destroy Israel and the secular governments of the nearby Arab states. This is the core of its ideology and practice, not some propaganda point.
It is an offshoot of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood – which is banned in Egypt. Which is why Egypt does not want them to handle the border with their country, and why Egypt also maintained a blockade against Gaza.
They will continue to bring misery to the Palestinians and oppress them with their medieval notions.
The current conflict is an appalling tragedy, brought about by Hamas adventurism.
A solution will be found between Israelis and genuine Palestinian nationalists sitting down and working out a two state solution with Jerusalem as the capital of both states. The day it will happen is drawing closer. With a solid push from Obama, it can happen. The contrast between the situation in the West Bank and that in Gaza could not be clearer. Israel knows it has to do a deal, and will be willing to make great compromises for it to happen. They do not have a choice, and know it. But the deal cannot, and will not, be made with Hamas.
All of the Australian citizens now living in Israel that you refer to support a two state solution and desire a peaceful resolution of the conflict. No Hamas spokesperson can fit this description. They are on their way out, the only way it could happen.
And yet,and yet,
We couldn’t help but notice in the very easy &.30 Report interview given Regev,the fact that this practised spinner repeatedly confused Hezbollah with Hamas,and escaped comment by the interviewer.
I can only assume the ABC is right up to date in 2009 mode Political Correctness.
Now, I am no supporter nor any kind of apologist for Hamas,Zionism,Creationism,Tamil Tigers, American Exceptionalism, but I can and do recognise the analogy of shooting fish in a barrel when it is presented to me.
er,something to ponder? Will the US recession affect the billions of $$$ aid reportedly given annually to *sr**l to help it keep the Palestinians in place?