It’s a signature moment of any new presidency, the Inauguration Address. As we count down to tomorrow morning’s Obama version, here’s a quick look through the annals:

George W. Bush’s Inaugural Address (2001):

Bill Clinton’s Inaugural Address (1993):

George H.W. Bush’s Inaugural Address (1989):

Ronald Reagan’s Inaugural Address (1981):

Jimmy Carter’s Inaugural Address (1977):

Gerald Ford’s Inaugural Address (1974):

Richard Nixon’s Inaugural Address (1969):

Lyndon Johnson’s Inaugural Address (1965):

JFK’s Inaugural Address (1961):

FDR’s Inaugural Address (1933):

Here’s audio of Dwight Eisenhower , Harry Truman , and transcripts of Abraham Lincoln and George Washington .

And finally, if you were looking for some sort of guide to how Barack Obama might play the big moment, here’s Mat Santos’s inauguration from series Seven of The West Wing :