Is it a sign of the times? Global financial crisis and all that. Or is it just bureaucratic bean counters gone mad?

In the first of hopefully an extended series, Crikey presents an internal email from the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, & Local Government regarding … milk.

From: Godfrey Kenton
Sent: Wednesday, 1 April 2009 2:19 PM
To: XX Cc: Corp P&P Learning & Develop; Corp P&P OHS & Performance; Corp P&P Payroll;
Subject: Excessive Milk Consumption [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Staff of 62NBE

This is a general reminder that while we are happy to provide staff with milk, tea, coffee and sugar this is a privilege and not a right. The consumption of milk has become quite excessive of late and I suspect that it is not necessarily due to an increase in instant coffee despite the economic crisis.

I have asked Sascha to monitor milk use over the next few weeks to determine the cause of consumption increase. A decision will be made after this time to determine whether we will continue to provide these facilities or not.

Milk is not provided for your breakfast cereal, milkshakes, scrambled eggs, instant macaroni cheese or other culinary masterpieces — please do not abuse the privilege.

Business Manager Corporate Services Division
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, & Local Government

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