Remember, Crikey readers, “milk is a privilege”. Crikey presents yet another internal email about inappropriate use of milk, this time from a prominent law firm:

To: Property Services
Subject: Milk in fridges


It seems we have a thief on the floor.

I left an unopened carton of Trim Milk in the fridge in the kitchen near the lifts. It has now been opened (without my permission).

If you don’t have milk in the fridge when you need some, you should ask before you take someone else’s. I am sure the lovely people on this floor will be delighted to help you.

If you take someone else’s milk without permission, you are a thief.

Principal Lawyer
[a law firm]

And times are tough, so don’t go thinking instant coffee grows on trees either. An IBM worker sent this internal email into Crikey, adding “…so now I won’t get my usual sachet of international roast from Big Blue. They were hardly generous before but now they are downright stingy-bums…”:

Dear IBMers,

There have been two updates to global spending guidelines that we wanted to tell you about as soon as we could.

Firstly, from 1 May 2009, IBM will cease the reimbursement of home internet access for employees.

Secondly, over the next several months the provision of some office amenities including tea and coffee supplies will be phased out. Where it makes sense, our intent is to replace this with user-paid vending machines at selected sites.