Disney’s new subsidiary company Disneynature are cashing in on the eco-aware sentiments floating around these days by launching a clever green-friendly marketing drive for its first film, Earth, released this week in America. Disneynature have pledged to plant one tree per every ticket bought during the film’s first week of release. Created by the makers of the Planet Earth series, Earth follows the story of three animal families and is narrated by James Earl Jones.

Says Disney President Mark Zoradi:

“With half a million new trees committed so far, Disneynature’s first film is already making an impact on the world – and Earth hasn’t even opened yet. We’re so pleased that moviegoers have embraced this film and our tree-planting initiative to this degree and we expect the numbers to keep climbing.”

The marketing campaign appears to be working, big time. Take this post from the ecorazzi, who claim to be online specialists in ‘the latest in green gossip.’

“I don’t think I’ve ever been more interested in getting ticket numbers for a movie — but the stats for Disneynature’s EARTH are certainly worth watching… the new nature-themed studio from Disney will be planting one tree for every person who sees EARTH on its opening weekend. With a launch of this Wednesday, that gives plenty of days for moviegoers to hit the theatres and help out the planet in the process…”

In other words, this is free advertising and then some. In my eyes ecorazzi lost a little credibility when I noticed an advertisement on the right of the screen that read “Are Your Panties full of Pesticides?  Well, it’s time to clean up your underwear! Explore the latest in eco-lingerie at…” But let us not dwell on that.

It’s difficult and pointless to argue that planting trees is in any way a bad idea (who do you think I am? Andrew Bolt?) unless they happen to be growing inside some poor guy’s lung.  However, seeds aren’t the most expensive things in the world and we can only hope that Earth will remind boys and girls that they are perfectly capable of planting them themselves.

Disneynature produces nature documentaries for the big screen. Their upcoming titles include Orangutans: One Minute to Midnight, Big Cats, Oceans and the oddly titled Naked Beauty: A Love Story that Feeds the Earth.

Check out the trailer for Earth below.