Good things to read and look at today:

We’re all Trekkies now. Star Trek is cool again (again?), according to, uh, Newsweek (those well-known arbiters of all that is hip. Ah well). There’s some tenuous Obama-administration link in there, too. Apparently the new film is pretty good, though.

Play with your food. Food art!

Sci-Fi, black and white. A lovely collection of Penguin’s sci-fi novels through time. Some freaky things happening in the late ’60s and ’70s there.

The surprising satisfactions of a home funeral. You can be born and get married in your home, so why not have your funeral there too? It can be done (in America, at least) — but it’s hard work.

Can you have a feminist wedding? Feminist Jessica Valenti is getting married, and it’s pissing people off. People are stupid.