Our favourite trashy news for the week:

How many starving African kids could celebrity engagement rings feed? A question I’m sure we’ve all pondered at some point — Cat Walk Cat Fight has a visual guide, and it’s both wonderful and depressing. Nicole Richie’s is quite modest, expensive enough for only 200 kids, while Beyonce could feed 100,000.

Couple have sex on Windsor Castle lawn. Ah, the British: a randy couple were caught making the beast with two backs on Liz’s lawn, in front of quite an audience, no less. Charming.

Mr T does jury duty. Mr T took time out of his busy schedule promoting Snickers and the FlavorWave (if you haven’t seen this full infomercial, I implore you to stay up into the wee hours one night and watch it on Channel Ten. You won’t regret it!*) to do his civic duty, reporting for jury duty.

“If you’re innocent, I’m your best man,” he said. “But if you’re guilty, I pity that fool.”

Paris Hilton on swine flu:


GOOP-watch: Food (and kids) again. Gwyneth shares her favourite “kid-friendly” restaurants — ones that are “good for them and delish for us”. Gag. I wonder how “friendly” the other customers feel when she brings her spawn into adult restaurants?

Hard to pick just one highlight, but try this on for size:

My kids were in heaven with the menu (tater tots, pancakes, the biggest ice cream sundae on the planet) and so was I (chopped salad, gravlax, beet risotto)


* You may, in fact, regret it