The 2009 Federal Budget in 60 Seconds
A First Dog on the Moon special
article-article-bodyA First Dog on the Moon special
Oh dear…..That’s a complete stuff up of a mash up FD.
10 mins + for a clunky 3 minute Youtube.
[Edit – It’s been fixed you sook! Sheesh, one tiny technical hitch, how quickly they turn]
Must do better, or there’ll be no meatybites in tonight’s budget for our favourite pooch.
Goodness moi! Who’s a snarky git today?
Must have forgotten my medication.
Living on borrowed time….quite! Lets party…….
Swan makes a better goose….or a chicken. An adequate contribution.
I thought it made as much sense as anything coming out of the Federal Government.
And it made me laugh. There is nothing else to make me laugh about tonight. So I’ll have a very early night. Ducted heating, big warm duvet, cat curled up next to me, a glass of what’s good for me and a bloody good book.
Honey, honey
FD – truly you’re in top form. Never has there been a more brilliant intro to tonight’s home economics audit! Straight from the bowels of Crikey’s chintzy new bunker complete with fridge and alchemy-framed photo of Chairman Eric – even the resident cricket’s chirping a countdown. Costello must be spitting chips he banned you boys from the gallery.