Former Labor leader Paul Keating has emerged to lead the opposition to a key element of the Labor Budget. The architect of compulsory superannuation back in the days of Hawke has joined some key unions and come out against raising the retirement age to 67.



Kevin Rudd starts the day with a prayerMelbourne Herald Sun


UN condemns North Korea over nuclear test – The Times, London



Budget debate

Don’t wreck super: Keating – Paul Keating and Bill Kelty, joint architects of Australia’s compulsory superannuation system, have strongly warned against any move to raise to 67 the age at which people can take their benefits. – Melbourne Age.

RBA director Warwick McKibbin has stimulus doubtsThe Australian

Local government

Rate rises to rescue crippled councilsSydney Morning Herald

A hint of strange things


RBA offshoot’s $10m for ‘translation service’Melbourne Age

Brimbank report claims MP’s stafferMelbourne Age

Foreign things

Gillard to head mission to Israel – Sydney Morning Herald

Government service

Terminally ill suffer as families caught in red tape – Dying  children are spending their final months unable to move or to obtain vital services because government red tape stops them getting equipment as simple as a wheelchair reports the Melbourne Herald Sun


US needs to stop digging hole through to China – Peter Hartcher looks at credit worthiness, the US and China. – Sydney Morning Herald

Kim shows up Obama’s soft approach – Greg Sheridan in The Australian

Rudd on the road to ruin – Malcolm Colless in The Australian

Share error exposes Labor’s blind spot – Michael Stutchbury argues that the Rudd Government’s backdown on employee share ownership tax breaks has exposed one of its biggest policy blind spots. That’s the lack of any formal policy, or even rhetorical pretence, for promoting workplace productivity. – The Australian

Heads of state are above the fray – Gerard Henderson reckons political debate will be healthier in Australia when political conservatives and social democrats alike accept that the offices of the governor-general and prime minister are at the core of Australian democracy and deserve respect. Sydney Morning Herald


UN starts crisis talks amid Korea n-test furyMelbourne Age


Banks hit as short-sell curb liftedMelbourne Age

Chinalco weighs up concessions on Rio proposal Sydney Morning Herald

Obama urged to curb ‘buy American’ measures – Financial Times of London


Coalition gives ETS ultimatum – Opposition will push the Government to defer its emissions trading legislation until the Copenhagen climate conference has been held. But it will vote the scheme down if a delay is rejected.Melbourne Age

Opposition split over trading-scheme tacticsSydney Morning Herald

ETS laws face mounting oppositionThe Australian


Eating  Out

Restaurants, cafes beat the downturn – South Australians spent a record $100 million in restaurants and cafes in March as diners defied the economic downturn. Adelaide Advertiser

Swine flu

Hospitals inundated as swine flu panic spreads – Melbourne Age

Cruise flu lockdown for 2000Sydney Morning Herald

AFL team on flu-infected planeSydney Daily Telegraph

All school children flying from swine-flu countries to be quarantinedMelbourne Herald Sun

Dark deeds

Oxford poetry professor Ruth Padel quits after smear campaign against Derek WalcottThe Times, London


090526devotionalsKevin Rudd starts the day with a prayer – Rudd has revealed he tries to start every day with a reading from a prayer book. But the PM admitted he does not always remember the Christian missive that life is not “all about me”. “When I manage to remember that principle . . . I’m much the better person for it,” said Mr Rudd, who has been criticised for a tantrum on a VIP plane and is known for fruity language in private. Mr Rudd told the Salvation Army’s War Cry his preferred book of daily devotionals was My Utmost for His Highest, which features a spiritual truth for every day of the year. – Melbourne Herald Sun