Bob Brown is using his office as a senator to get his legal bills paid, and the media are willing accomplices in this cynical exercise in power. Yet the very same media couldn’t give a fig about the thousands of Australians who each day are sent bankrupt, have their lives torn apart and in some cases commit suicide, because they too have to pay a legal bill when they lose a case.
Senator Brown is entitled to use the court system to pursue his case, just like every other person in this country. And if he loses his case, which he did in this instance, then the general rule is that as the losing party he pays the winning party’s costs. There is nothing sinister about Forestry Tasmania, the successful party, pursuing Senator Brown for what was an expensive case. In fact, it was revealed yesterday that they offered to shave off a fair slice of their legal costs, but Brown wouldn’t be in the deal. So to suggest, as Brown and his disciples are doing, that the Tasmanian government is in some sort of corrupt conspiracy to hound Brown from office is absolute bollocks.
But there is a bigger picture being missed by the media here and those dear well heeled souls, including Brown’s mate Dick Smith, who are rushing to empty their bank accounts to help the high income earner Brown pay his legal bill. And it is that what Brown is doing is something the average Australian could never achieve — use their title, office or position to milk public sympathy to have their legal bill paid.
Each year thousands of Australians are dragged through the indignity of legal proceedings to ensure they pay the costs of the other party, when they lose a case. Bankruptcy, garnishee orders, instalment arrangements, sale of the family home, these are all tools of costs enforcement. For many people, it is a humiliating, degrading and heart wrenching experience. I have personally known of cases where people have contemplated suicide because they face having to pay hundreds of thousands in legal bills.
I am also personally aware of cases where the sheriff has turned up at the homes of families on a Friday evening to execute a warrant to seize assets, and to give notice that the family will have to quit the home so it can be sold. And our jails are full of people who, when released from prison and are trying to get back on their feet, will be immediately hit with unpaid legal bills.
In none of these cases does the person hit by the legal bill have the clout, the media profile or the resources of a taxpayer funded office to run a well orchestrated sympathy campaign which also serves as a neat fundraiser.
One trusts that Brown’s wealthy benefactors and the media now turn their attention to prisoners, the homeless and broken families who face a much worse predicament than Senator Brown. Wouldn’t it be nice, but of course it won’t happen.
Bob Brown has taken politics to a new low this week.
What in the hell? Bankruptcy proceedings started by lawyers employed by Forestry Tasmania causing the leader of the third biggest political force in the federal parliament to be at risk of losing his seat is just fine though is it Greg? Especially when the replacement would be chosen by the same person that removed the basis for his legal action!
Yes Brad it is fine. Brown has had months to pay this amount and has chosen not to do so. Is he to receive special treatment from the legal system because he is a politician?
Yeah, a pretty one sided article, clearly a hatchet job. I note there is no mention of the hand Lennon and Howard had in changing the laws, but that would ruin your narrative wouldn’t it Greg?
This also ignores the fact that Brown wasn’t really pursuing the legal case for his own benefit, but to protect a piece of native forest. I would argue that we do have a debt to Brown’s actions, and I will be happy to help him meet this ridiculous debt.
What a ridiculous argument.
Bob’s court case was not a personal matter – he was pursuing the issue of what our federal environmental legislation and international biodiversity commitments porports to cover versus what was actually happening in practice – in an effort to protect several threatened species.
The case failed because the federal and Tasmanian governments changed the laws around what regional forestry agreements actually cover.
The threatened species here isn’t Bob, and his supporters will use their own judgement about whether what he did was a worthwhile effort on their behalf.
The Greens continue to advocate on behalf of the homeless and disadvantaged and were the only ones recently standing up for single parents and the unemployed in the discussions over the stimulus package and the global financial crisis – if the media doesn’t find this newsworthy and donors don’t flock to these casues that is hardly Bob’s fault…
We can’t let the threat of expensive court cases be a way that States or other big players get away with doing stuff of questionable legality – just look at how they’ve kept a lid on native title…
I think Bob stood up for what a lot of us think is right, and I haven’t seen him abusing his power of office to get out of it or claiming he is unable to pay the bill.
Its a cause I’m happy to donate to…
Or perhaps a number of people truly value the work Bob Brown does and would prefer to contribute some of their own money rather than see him forced to give up his job as a senator due to bankruptcy?