Skinny Blonde beer have come up with a brilliant, if not completely inappropriate, gimmick for their product — vanishing bikini tops for their beer labels.
When the temperature of the beer rises, apparently bared breasts are revealed on the logo girl:
The interactive website is for those aged 18 and over and includes (how nice) pictures of real women in bikinis and thermometers. If you use your mouse to “raise the temperature” on the thermometer you get to see a little bit more. Skinny Blonde, all-Australian brewers of beer and purveyors of pornography.
Question: does this break any advertising standards?
What, I get boobs as long as I’ll put up with warm cat’s p*ss? No thank you very much.
See, scull the first half of the beer… then let it work it’s magic.
Is this the new, hi-tech version of beer goggles?
It’s a pity they’re not updating the blokes chugging down the stuff. Their hard-drives are completely stuffed.
Skinny blondes for fat bastards? It happens, but usually only in adland.
I bought a Czechoslovakian beer that did this over 6 years ago – each bottle had a different picture and the Beer was great, but I don’t think I will be drinking this one.
Only the Skinny Blonde ad was offensive, not the product!
Lighten up LOL