So Paris Jackson, the child that her father shielded from the media with an array of creepy veils for so many years, has now been beamed, crying, into living rooms across nations. We will resist showing the footage.
However we will say that The Daily Beast has videos up of memorable moments from the memorial — from Al Sharpton’s “Wasn’t Nothing Strange About Your Daddy” speech to Magic Johnson recalling eating KFC with the pop idol, to white sequin-gloved Jermaine Jackson singing Smile, and, yes, Paris telling the world how she felt about her daddy.
Michael Jackson is the only subject Twitter has in its top ten trending topics at the moment so perhaps you’re interested…
If you are, here’s some of the best reading on his memorial — and his life.
- LA Times‘ Robert Lloyd has what we think is one of the best pieces on the memorial — and the story the media just can’t ignore:”You can say that the world has been divided in recent days into people who wondered what the fuss was about and people offended by the thought that anyone would wonder what the fuss was about. Practically speaking, there was no call for that much coverage — one network’s was very much like another’s, and once the memorial itself began, the feed was identical. But there is a power to pop culture that a broadcaster ignores at its own peril, and once one network had signed on for the full run, it was inevitable that others would. In the end, everyone came.”
- HuffPo is liveblogging everything from the memorial to post-memorial reaction (includes celebrity responses).
- Vanity Fair liveblogged the affair too. Reflect here.
- Hell, even the New Yorker liveblogged it (includes jokes about The Wiz).
- The Telegraph has a page devoted to Michael Jackson
- So does Crikey — head here for some of the best content on Jackson in the past week
- Michael Jackson, bookworm
- Paul Theroux recalls his visit to Neverland in The Telegraph, meeting the ranch’s resident Peter Pan and his Wendy, Elizabeth Taylor
I still feel grubby. While the Princess Di funeral frenzy was heaving through our radios and TVs my toleration for pop pap was pushed to the limits. That feeling has returned brightened only by the thought that I will not have to endure any more stupid and inane Wacko Jacko stories.