Gossip was one of the consistent themes in my conversations with Murdoch when I interviewed him over nine months last year. If I brought him gossip, he was much happier than when I did not. Sometimes I made the gossip up — that kept him as happy.
Gossip, for Murdoch, is partly business intelligence, but Murdoch also likes to know who is sleeping with whom. He especially likes to know what liberals are sleeping around (but he will take conservatives, too). It is a prurient interest, but it is also leverage. He refers to having pictures and reports and files — though this may be as much what he imagines a powerful person like himself should have, whereas all he really has is some speculation from sycophantic reporters feeding him what he wants to hear.
The Guardian’s report about the revelations of massive illegal tapping of government officials by private investigators in the employ of his tabloid newspapers in London has as much to do, I believe, with currying favor with Murdoch as it does with selling newspapers (no less uncovering the truth).
Did Murdoch know his daily gossip fix came from illegal wiretaps?
Murdoch calls Rebekah Wade, the former editor of News of the World and of the Sun and a family favorite, at least twice a week, sometimes daily. He checks in with the editor of the weekly News of the World before every issue. He wants to know what his editors know — at the same time they are careful not to tell him what he doesn’t want to know (he wouldn’t listen anyway).
When the New York Post’s Page Six editor, Richard Johnson (who regularly supplies the boss with unpublished tidbits), admitted taking bribes from sources and subjects, Murdoch was furious. But a good publisher, Murdoch believes, must tolerate the bad behavior in a newsroom — he didn’t fire Johnson — understanding that it is precisely such bad behavior that gets the story and provides the gossip that the boss lives for (and that sells the papers).
Equally, the reporters know that the more gossip they provide, the more their behavior will be tolerated.
So, no, Rupert may be the reason for the wiretaps, but he would not have been told about them. Don’t ask, don’t tell. (Also, the newsroom likes the boss to think they have magic ways to get the gossip.)
But here’s the problem facing the company: his son James might have known.
This article was originally published in Newser, keep reading at their website.
Michael Wolff says..”Equally, the reporters know that the more gossip they provide, the more their behavior will be tolerated”. If one takes that statement at face value, hence the likes of Milne, Akerman, Bolt and others News Ltd writers survive regardless of the rubbish they dish out under the guise of journalism. It’s all about keeping the boss happy, standards mean nothing. A nudge and a wink is more useful than serious investigative journalism. Obviously pride in ones professional output is not one of News Ltds requisites for some of their opinion oiece writers.
‘oiece’ should be piece..apologies.
newscrap. no morals, no ethics, and run by a porno king pervert.
Most young people like hot gossip, it sells papers, morals , and no ethics seem to have gone out the door or disappeared I guess for some this is good, where others are horrified, I think it takes all types to make the world tick over
I find it impossible to believe, that Murdoch didn’t know that several million dollars were paid to people whose privacy was criminally invaded. I think he’s lying! Why doesn’t that surprise me? His newspapers are shit, and FOX News is worse. I have no respect for him at all, and anyone who’s involved with him are tainted too. When you lie down with dogs…..! What I find even more reprehensible is the revelation, that the British police aren’t going to further investigate the latest scandalous reports? Frightened of Murdoch’s power and influence? Next he’ll be trying to convince us of his commitment to democracy, justice, the rule of law blah blah blah!!!!Perhaps that’s his topic for his next public speaking engagement?