There they all were at the G8/G20 summit in L’Aquila, nodding their approval as Kevin Rudd reannounced his global carbon capture and storage institute. But in truth, the L’Aquila photo op only high-lighted the chasm between the emission cuts demanded by the climate science and the steps political leaders are willing to take.
We’re all tempted to grasp at straws and, as straws go, ‘clean coal’ is a doozy. After all, which world leader wouldn’t seize on a promise to tackle global warming and save the coal industry at the same time?
So reluctant have governments been to restructure their economies to cut greenhouse gas emissions that we’ve reached a point where the future of the world now rests on the widespread and rapid deployment of a technology that’s still on the drawing board.
In the words of The Economist, “the idea that clean coal … will save the world from global warming has become something of an article of faith among policymakers.”
So can carbon capture and storage save us? Despite its relentless hyping, the private sector is reluctant to invest much in a technology that is fearsomely expensive and unproven.
There are no coal-fired power plants capturing their carbon today, only a handful of demonstration projects, and a lot of research, mainly publicly funded. In Australia, the rich nation with the most to lose economically from ending coal, industry funding for CCS research is one tenth of one per cent of its revenue, compared to wool growers who allocate two per cent of sales to fund innovation.
A few basic facts reveal ‘clean coal’ to be a grand delusion kept alive by politicians. While climate scientists say we must radically reduce emissions in rich countries inside a decade, the best estimates for clean coal indicate it will not be ready for widespread adoption for two decades or more.
Rudd’s carbon institute won the backing of 22 developed and developing countries last week.
So based on the best case scenarios when it comes to the full implementation of this technology — let’s look at what these leaders are applauding:
- Independent analysis suggests that full-scale commercial implementation of CCS will not occur until 2030.
- In Australia, economic modelling by the Treasury assumes that CCS technology will not begin reducing emissions from coal-fired power plants until 2026 at the earliest and more likely 2033.
- The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that by 2030 the world will need more than 200 power plants fully equipped with CCS if warming is to be limited to 3°C. Yes, three degrees! That’s into runaway climate change territory.
- The scale of the proposed carbon capture enterprise is vast. By 2050 some 6000 underground carbon dioxide repositories, each receiving a million tones of CO2 a year, will need to be in operation to account for just 20 per cent of the necessary emission cuts.
- Energy expert Vaclav Smil has calculated that in order to capture just a quarter of the emissions from the world’s coal-fired power plants we would need a system of pipelines that would transport a volume of fluid twice the size of the global crude-oil industry.
- The processes of capture, compression, transport and injection of carbon dioxide are energy-intensive, so to generate the same amount of electricity a power plant would need to be around a third bigger and use a third more coal. So if it were adopted, CCS would not only lock in the coal economy but require its expansion.
Each year around the world 100 new, large-scale, coal-fired power plants are constructed, a trend not expected to change. This is accepted by governments, industry and the Stern and Garnaut reports as an unchangeable fact, a fait accompli. Yet to give free rein to the construction of new coal-fired power plants in the hope that their emissions will eventually be neutralized in perpetuity by successful development of a highly speculative technology is folly of the highest order.
This is recognised by President Obama’s energy secretary Steven Chu. After referring to coal as “my worst nightmare” he had to toe the party line on the myth of “clean coal“.There is no sign of reality breaking through in the Rudd Government which clings to the myth for dear life.
The most damning assessment of the prospects for carbon capture and storage is provided by The Economist, the world’s most hard-headed and respected business magazine:
CCS is not just a potential waste of money. It might also create a false sense of security about climate change, while depriving potentially cheaper methods of cutting emissions of cash and attention — all for the sake of placating the coal lobby.
If the coal industry, through its own research and development efforts, could develop and apply a technology that proved safe, effective, competitive and ready for widespread adoption in a carbon-constrained world, few would have any objection to it.
But the coal industry knows that by the time it got to that point — 2025 at the earliest — other, much safer forms of energy will be available at cheaper cost. It’s unwilling to make its way in a free market and governments around the world have decided to tilt the playing field in a bid to turn the cause of the problem into its solution.
If our leaders were serious about climate change,
they would be addressing the political questions about nuclear,
instead of decorating the intractable problems of coal.
Roger, the political and economic realities of nuclear have been answered. Read the Switkowski report. Too expensive, technically very, very difficult, too slow to build, dirty waste. Nuclear isn’t going to help us now. Maybe 30 years ago, but not now.
I agree with every part of this article Clive. It’s virtually impossible to capture all the CO2 coming out of power plants at the moment. Why not just stop stuffing around and invest in renewables?
I thought Ziggy Switkowski was of the view that nuclear power was the only viable short-term energy option. Clive Hamilton quotes the Economist in saying that efforts to develop CCS are an ploy to placate the coal lobby, and I’m inclined to agree. But which lobby are we placating by refusing to investigate nuclear power in Australia?
Clive, this is getting a bit tedious. But you really do have to take the blinkers off and take some time to find out what’s really going on, rather than just relying on the a mish-mash of naysayers who have a pathological hatred for the coal industry, but who continue to use coal fired power for their air conditioners and their plasma screens and, even, their hybrid cars.
For every “expert” you quote saying that CCS won’t work, I can quote a dozen who are working in the field and say that it will. Yep, some of them even work for that nasty, tainted CSIRO, but many work at power stations, in the oil, gas and petroleum industry and in bodies like the CO2CRC.
The reasons why people are working and governments and industry are investing billions to make CCS work are many and they’re not going to stop because you quote from an article by a journalist in the Economist. With an application to gas fired power,(that’s GAS with substantial CO2 emissions Clive, not COAL) steel making, coal fired power, cement manufacture etc, it will provide substantial cuts to greenhouse gas emissions and allow countries with huge coal reserves — like India and China – to continue to burn their coal (which they will do no matter what we say in the West) and enjoy cheap(er) and reliable sources of energy. All forms of energy will be required in this energy hungry world. What is so scary here?
It’s a technology fix that will reduce the emissions that the world is worried about and sensible environmentalists are supporting it, no matter what they think of the industries involved. What you continue to do is aggregate every negative comment you can find and run a scare campaign based on emotion not on hard information.
You talk about the energy premium in using CCS; well, how about using CCS in tandem with renewable energy, something a number of projecs are pursing?
You claim we cannot store the CO2; pick up the phone and talk to Dr Peter Cook of the CO2CRC. He’ll tell you are wrong and he knows a lot more about it than you or me and he doesn’t work for the coal industry.
There will be a commercial scale, coal-fired power plant operating in Australia with carbon capture and storage by 2017 at the latest, otherwise I will owe Bernard Keane a case of good wine and that’s a bet I didn’t make lightly.
Other technologies – solar thermal, geo thermal, will also begin to mature around that time or perhaps a few years later. Who knows, someone might get solar fusion to work. And then the bean-counters will come in and make their investment decisions on which fuel source or technology to go with. Nothing mysterious or conspiratorial in that.
If you want to talk to the people working on these projects – if that would do any good – I’m happy to organise it for you.
For those who don’t know, I work for the Australian Coal Association.
Here, here, Norway Safety Authority similar in 2008 but gets squashed by big politics (?) as reported here by moi April 2008 (and no one else in Australia seemed too concerned about Norway Safety Authority getting monstered)
High pressure CO2 over thousands of kilometres of piping with the capacity to leak out over night unchecked, odourless, colourless combined with the inevitability of human error.