Yesterday, the world was abuzz with the news that the most overhyped online tool — Twitter — was regarded by one 15-year-old from London as being for old people. Matthew Robson, work experience kid at Morgan Stanley, wrote a report entitled How Teenagers Consume Media explaining his views on the universe.

Today the global media has weighed in on whether the thoughts of a school-aged gaming nerd should really be taking the digital world by storm.

The Guardian say it’s not really news that teenagers don’t use Twitter and report that the blogosphere is taking “Morgan Stanley and the media to task for mistaking anecdotes from a 15-year-old for hard data”.

In the US, Mediaite reflects on how weird the British are about mobile phones. Meanwhile the Independent thinks asking a teenager what teenagers think is revolutionary and at home, points out that Twitter may be more grown-up because adults can afford it.