An angry chocolate lover explains how Cadbury have sneakily shrunk their 250g chocolate block to 200g — without changing the size of the packaging or the price.
Crikey readers have also been very fiery on the issue.
A lesson in clever marketing: how Cadbury have sneakily shrunk their 250g chocolate block to 200g -- without changing the size of the packaging or the price.
article-article-bodyAn angry chocolate lover explains how Cadbury have sneakily shrunk their 250g chocolate block to 200g — without changing the size of the packaging or the price.
Crikey readers have also been very fiery on the issue.
I’m pretty sure that Cadbury announced this a while ago and stated that the change was because of what the customers wanted.
Yes. I’m sure many customers said to Cadbury – we’d like to pay the same price for less chocolate. We love being ripped off by clever packaging redesign and “more contemporary block styling”.
Well, in fairness, the smaller block sizes are good for tight-arses who don’t like to share. Giving someone a couple of pieces is now a far smaller proportion of the total block.
What are all these outraged consumers doing buying Cadbury in the first place? Goes well with International Roast coffee, does it? It’s hard to feel much sympathy.
Fat boy should stay away from chocolate and do more awesome gym time.