Imagine a parallel universe where Australian soldiers weren’t already fighting in Oruzgan province. Imagine, in that alternative reality, a terrorist bomb struck the Marriot Hotel in Jakarta. If, under those circumstances, a politician claimed that the best response to a bombing in Indonesia was to invade Afghanistan, we’d think they were perfectly mad.
But that’s the bizarro world we inhabit, with the Prime Minister offering the Jakarta attacks as evidence for the necessity of war thousand of miles away.
The argument, insofar as there is one, holds that, in the past Afghanistan provided a training ground for terrorists and, so if left to its own devices, it might become one again.
But the people behind the Jakarta blasts don’t need to take trips to Afghanistan. There’s a much more convenient training ground at their disposal — it’s called Indonesia.
Yes, the bombers might admire Islamist struggles elsewhere in the world. But that vague ideological affinity remains much less important to the growth of Jemaah Islamiyah than conditions at home. In other words, the solution of Islamist terrorism in Indonesia lies in Indonesia, rather than Afghanistan. How could it possibly be otherwise?
But for the sake of argument, let’s suppose that Indonesian terrorists really did require overseas training. In that case, wouldn’t the war make Afghanistan more rather than less attractive? Wasn’t that how al Qaeda originally spread — with militants coming, not to train but to fight? Insofar as there is a link between JI and Afghanistan, it was forged by Indonesian recruits coming to battle against the Soviets in the 1980s. Isn’t it entirely possible that something similar might be taking place now?
In any case, the problem with pitching the Afghan war as a campaign to deny training grounds to terrorists is that it will do nothing of the sort. Even if the US-led coalition wins in Afghanistan, no-one seriously thinks that the country will suddenly become Sweden. Why, if Washington could implant a regime in Kabul capable of exercising some kind of control over the capital and surrounding regions, well, from where things are now, that would be a famous victory. But it would still leave plenty of places in Afghanistan where terrorists could train — and plenty of people prepared to train them.
Consider the forthcoming elections, which provide some hint of what a future Afghanistan will resemble. The Prime Minister Hamid Karzai is seeking a third term, but now faces a stiff challenge from former foreign finance minister, Ashraf Ghani. Ghani’s slogan? He wants a three-year cease-fire with the Taliban — a proposal that recent polls suggest [PDF] that 64 per cent of Afghans support.
That’s presumably why Karzai — the man the West has been propping up for years — has shifted ground. He’s nominated as running mate a certain Mohammed Qasim Fahim, a man accused by human rights groups of kidnapping, drug-running, murder and other war crimes. In response to criticisms of Fahim, Karzai has denounced “outside [that is, Western] influence” in Afghanistan — and has promised that he too will seek negotiations with the Taliban!
Now, whether or not the Taliban wants to negotiate is, of course, an entirely different question. But, in a context where there’s very little ideological difference between the Northern Alliance warlords the West supports and the Taliban warlords the West fights, the idea that whatever Afghan government emerges out of this war will have no links with hardcore Islamists is pure fantasy.
Mind you, fantasy now dominates what passes for discussion about Afghanistan in Australia. For instance, in the Daily Telegraph, Ian McPhedran explains why we fight war like this:
“Nobody is safe, no country is immune and that is why it is vital to attack the virus at its source. The campaign is not even about winning and losing, in any normal sense. It is about maintaining security and prosperity to the best extent that we can.
“To the extremists, 19 unarmed Western businessmen attending a hotel meeting are as much of a target as a heavily armed soldier on patrol in Oruzgan province.
“Until the zealots are dead and the moderates are accommodated, there will be no peace. Australians will continue to die in the dust of Afghanistan and inside luxury hotels in Jakarta.”
Got that? We’re in Afghanistan to kill zealots. Well, perhaps McPhedran could take a look at the electoral list and nominate which likely Afghan prime minister we need to kill first.
There’s no magic solutions to terrorism. Of course there’s not. But would happen if the Australian resources being thrown into the Afghan crusade went to, say, helping Indonesia bolster its education system, so that impoverished families didn’t need to rely on the religious schools that indoctrinate kids into Islamism? Would that make a difference?
Well, you couldn’t guarantee it. But helping Indonesia build a functioning civil society seems infinitely more likely to prevent bomb attacks in Jakarta than persisting with this brutal war in Afghanistan.
Well said Jeff.
You might also have mentioned that Karzai recently brought back from exile the well known war criminal Dostin and made him his military chief of staff!
Have you noticed also how Rudd and Foreign Ministewr Smith have taken to referring to the “Afghanistan-Pakistan border area” rather than the military operations in Afghanistan. This is presumably to encourage us to blur the line between the two countries, accept the ongoing American bombing of Pakistan, and prepare us for the expansion of the war into Pakistan. I believe that the latter has been a primary objective all along.
Congratulations on all those fairly positive book reviews on a grim subject.
I must admit I am very confused about the best way to address the Taliban and their ideology of extreme oppression of women. Do you recall before 9/11 the ngo groups ramping up their campaign to save the 50% female population of Aghanistan from the depredations of the Dark Ages Taliban? This was 1999, 2000 or so.
That rare female MP there touring Australia recently also called for the west to get out, for dealing with warlord criminals as more trouble than help. But then she would be dead if the Taliban were in power? And barely ahead of the wolf now.
It’s a shocker. I recall the Greens have an official position against the war there too. But is this realistic after 9/11? Those plane bombers were very sincere. Old family saying – nothing more sincere than a madman with an axe chasing you around the house.
Tom McLoughlin. It isn’t that long ago when the west treated women very badly. It was only after fighting for their rights that western women were able to demand laws to protect women.
Any group of guerreros who aspire to power, revert to pack-male mentality. And if you think I’m sticking up for the Taliban you are completely crazy. As usual, you have seized the wrong end of the option. The Taliban, like many hundreds of million others are Muslim. As with Christianity, Islam is all in the interpretation. They have their Holy book, the Koran. And the mullahs generally not well educated men interpret the book. In case you hadn’t noticed Tom, the Catholic church is scarcely a bastion of equality, ditto all these strange far right-wing Fundamentalist religions. Ditto Orthodox Juadism. These ladies wear a wig whenever they go out of the house because no man must look upon her natural hair. Sound similar to Islam?
It should do. Neither do they practice birth-control or watch ephemeral stuff on the TV. Male and female believe Palestine belongs to the Israelis because some poor clod said so, in the bible.
I too have a position on the war in Afghanistan. I am completely against it on historical grounds-no one has ever beaten them. Also, I’m sick to death of Australian youth being sacrificed to fight in yet another American stuff-up. Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and now Afghanistan. If America wants to slaughter her youth in lost wars, let her. It’s none of my business. But on what right does she have to call our young men to be slaughtered?
Why don’t you volunteer yourself Tom? Travel really does broaden the mind.
Krudd & Bullturn seem to be reading the same script (though that bland blow wave SS has problems as if even he sees the absurdity if what he’s required to say). “We are there coz we’re there to stoip t’rrists attacking New York & Jakarta & High Holborn”
And the UK gov (for the moment) says that its troops will have more choppers by … 2011…! So no short term thinking there.
CIA chief Gates said, a couple of weeks ago, “the problem is the sanctuary over the border in Pakistan – I know coz that’s where I was station chief training the muhjhadeen to fight the Russian..”.
And they say amerikans don’t have the gene for irony…
Terrorism is just a symptom of the usual problem: over population. Too many people, not enough land, and eventually some minority or neighbouring tribe will get demonised and the crusade / jihad / pograms / terrorism / revolution / dekulakization / suppression starts up.
It’s not personal.