It’s been a while since Crikey featured GOOP, Gwyneth Paltrow’s weekly lifestyle email newsletter, but today the next Martha Stewart makes her own “fast food”: roast chicken with a farmers’ market salad (including arugula, English peas that taste like “candy” and champagne vinegar).
Fast food Gwyneth-style
Gwyneth Paltrow, the next Martha Stewart, makes her own "fast food": roast chicken with a farmers' market salad (including arugula, English peas that taste like "candy" and champagne vinegar).
Why hasn’t anyone told her that the neck of her t-shirt is caught on the edge of of her bra?
Followed by apple crumble. (sorry)
Very interesting to see what people in the “real world” consider “fast food”. I was only able to spend two minutes of my life watching this because my nanny was looking after the kids and my 24/7 housekeeper was keeping the house, while I faffed around making “fast food”. Off to my two hour nightly (after working a full time real job) yoga session now . . .
So this is where masterchef has finally lead us.
Roast chicken sans cravat.
Oh the indignity.
And Oh the spelling. 🙁
Lead = led