As predicted Malcolm Turnbull firmly back into second place, at around half the level of coverage of the PM and wicked Wilson makes his long awaited debut at number six (he’s got a bright future that boy, talented and a real team player).

Big changes further down the list, with Abbott, Hockey, Wong, Gillard, Dutton, Tanner, Joyce and Arbib in while Crean, Costello, Combet, Garrett, Bishop, Conroy, Carr, Fielding and Xenophon dipped out.

Tony Abbott’s book launch pushed him up, with continuing leadership speculation pushing Joe Hockey up the list as well, while the return of Health policy to centre stage saw Peter Dutton make the biggest leap of anyone besides Tuckey.

Still not a great deal of political talkback about, but Tony Abbott unsurprisingly has a few fans out there in commercial AM radio land.

Rank Politician Talkback
1 Kevin Rudd 209
2 Tony Abbott 53
3 Nicola Roxon 43
4 Wayne Swan 43
5 Malcolm Turnbull 31

It only happened overnight, but the big switch was enough to get Karmichael Hunt over a 1000 media mentions this morning alone.

Press Radio TV Internet Total INDEX
Karmichael Hunt 28 60 40 173 1,195 75

There’s more on the Media Monitors website.