Qantas Club staff have been asked to start washing and re-using the plastic knives in the Qantas Club — staff were overheard checking the procedures with others in the Adelaide lounge, when they realised there were no knives for passengers. Thinking it’s motivated more by cost-cutting than to help the environment!

The four staff leaving Queensland opposition leader John-Paul Langbroek’s office, including well-regarded press adviser Samantha Porter, are NOT leaving voluntarily. They were forced out, against Langbroek’s wishes, by the LNP following the billboards debacle, which also claimed the scalp of Chief of Staff Paul Cormack. In a victory for Lawrence Springborg, the party has also installed Springborg adviser Jake Smith as “chief strategist”.

On Monday morning, the St George branch in Barrack St Sydney was filled with people who’d had their accounts emptied over the weekend. They all seemed to have one thing in common, use of the very busy ATM outside the branch.

Foster’s CIO fumbles again, outsourcing yet another critical survey… It’s called Foster’s Inspire Survey and it’s used to measure employee engagement. This year is another shocker. In recent years IT’s results have been under 30% of people actively want to do good at their job. IT is so bad that HR has informed managers that with scores that low one in three people are actively working against the company to perform well. To have your say in the Foster’s Inspire Survey click here. The password to take the survey is: inspire09.

For institutionalised sexism, see the Airforce’s new Airman’s Code: Female RAAF members recite a slightly edited version in response.

The Nine Network and WIN softly launched digital channel GO! on Australian screens on Sunday night at 6.30pm. And what a Wipeout of a soft launch it was. There was no mention on Channel Nine 6pm News nor ad breaks, despite the ACA problems they had that night. Very unlike the oneHD launch which was well plugged on Channel Nine at 6.30pm. See the launch video here. The picture quality is pretty average as the channel is bandwidth starved due to Nine Digital and Nine HD. The creative department has however been busy with the station ID.