The Senate has rejected the Rudd government’s Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme today. By all accounts it will be be reintroduced and then passed with amendments. The problem with the scheme is that it is a magic pudding. A government inspired price hike will lead to less carbon consumption, greater innovation, compensation for polluters and low-income households, and all this will be paid for with a ‘tiny’ reduction in economic growth over the next century. In the process a whole bunch of ‘green jobs’ will be generated. When described in these terms it is hard understand what the fuss is all about.
Afterall, the Australian economy has survived a generation of economic reform that threatened to destroy jobs; yet wholesale job destruction has not happened and Australians have enjoyed a long period of economic growth and prosperity. But there is a fundamental difference between previous economic reforms pursued by the Hawke, Keating and Howard governments and the current reforms. Previous Australian governments had proposed to make the economy more efficient. This government proposes policies that will make the economy less efficient.
Renewable sources of energy are hardly new. Windmills, for example, have been in use for hundreds of years. In some applications they are very useful, but they simply cannot compete with modern power generators in price and reliability for the base load power requirements of an industrialised economy. Increasing the price of a ubiquitous input such as power will increase the cost structure of the entire Australian economy.
The debate hasn’t really considered the costs of this policy objective. To a large extent we have simply been told that the costs of inaction are higher than the costs of action. But a detailed discussion of what that actually means is missing. On a recent episode of ABCs Insiders David Marr suggested that the government be blunt about its policy:
Ultimately Australians respect people for saying it as it is. … But [Rudd] should be saying things bluntly, you know ‘Doing something about global warming means there will be lots of jobs lost in mining because its about burning less coal’. Saying it bluntly.
Yet, the government hasn’t said anything of the sort — it has said lots of green jobs are going to be created. It is a leap of faith to suggest that the government can create jobs that add as much value as those that will be lost. If they could do so, why haven’t they done so already?
The bottom line is that the federal government has no idea what the employment consequences of its climate change policy will be. The Treasury modelling of the policy included no employment modelling. The modelling assumes that there might be some unemployment in the short run (up to ten years) but there is no unemployment in the long-run. The Treasury have to assume that real wages will fall ensuring that labour markets clear and there is no involuntary unemployment. In other words, the government doesn’t know what will happen to employment, they simply assume that it won’t be a problem.
The proposed climate change policy is multi-generational — the modelling forecasts growth to 2050, and the policy is expected to extend beyond that date. That is 40 years into the future, and beyond. The average Australian might only have a working life of 40 years, so it is somewhat disingenuous to suggest that there might only be some unemployment is the ‘short run’. Even if the ‘short run’ is ten years, the social dislocation costs of unemployment for up to a quarter of an expected working life must be horrendous. A policy that may well generate a large cadre of long-term unemployed should not be introduced with a wave of the hand and a ‘she’ll be right mate’ attitude.
Careful and serious consideration should be given to the employment consequences of the CPRS. At present that modelling either does not exist or the government has not released it to the public — either of those possibilities should make Australians very nervous about their job prospects.
Sinclair Davidson is professor in the School of Economics, Finance and Marketing at RMIT University and senior fellow at the Institute of Public Affairs.
You’re right! It’s a much better idea to say “she’ll be right mate” and not do anything to reduce emissions. I’m not planning on having kids, so who cares about the next generation?
Hey Sinclair, here’s the drill – Hurricane Katrina was multi-generational. Imagine what similar will do to Brisbane, Sydney …. getting further south every year.
Get your canoe out champ.
Sinclair raises a valid point about how a forcible push towards renewable energy will increase the cost structure of the Australian economy. However, if you look at the global picture, as long as there is a legally binding global agreement at Copenhagen, Australia wins out whatever happens. Think about it:
Maintaining the status quo of a high carbon economy, we are benefited by massively abundant sources of coal, but very little oil. In the global energy picture, we’ve either reached or have passed the point of peak oil, and sticking to our current habits will leave us vulnerable to massive increases in the cost of oil, and the cost structure of our economy.
Transitioning to a low carbon economy, we are benefited by massively abundant sources of natural gas and uranium, and even if we only continue to sell the uranium, we could feasibly convert our power stations and vehicles over to natural gas, becoming completely self reliant and plugging a hole in our foreign debt. Compared to the bulk of semi-land locked, land poor, wind poor, tidal current and UV Radiation lacking countries in the world, we definitely come out with a strong advantage.
Under either scenario Australia wins, so we may as well push towards a low carbon economy that will benefit us in the long run by having the rest of the world to reduce their greenhouse emissions.
Green companies will are the newest most powerfull interest group. With a populist message in hand and a no holes barred attitude, this new lobby group will try to kill anything that moves that dosnt agree with their message.
Problem is, 30-40 years away from base load energy…so slowly slowly slowly is the key.
Fucking up our economy to ram through legislation that wont make an ounce of difference to global warming but will fuck with our jobs for years is stupid. These renewables are not even close to been able to provide base load energy, so lets not walk before we can run.
remember the malthusian trap, everyone that predicts the end is nigh is always wrong…..or wong as the case may be
It wasn’t even necessary to read this diatribe, a quick scan showed the usual tropes, lies, memes and dissembling. Wotta surprise that see that the author is an economist and linked to IPA. Cooda knocked me down with a feather…