Forty percent of the messages on Twitter are “pointless babble”, claims a story doing the rounds at Fairfax and ABC News and elsewhere this morning. It’s rubbish.
San Antonio-based Pear Analytics says they took 2,000 tweets and sorted them into six categories: news, spam, self-promotion, pointless babble, conversational and pass-along value. They’ve published the results in a pretty little white paper.
“As you may have guessed, Pointless Babble won with 40.55% of the total tweets captured,” says Pear.
“However, Conversational was a very close second at 37.55%, and Pass-Along Value was third (albeit a distant third) at 8.7% of the tweets captured.”
Apart from the categories being subjective and poorly-defined, quoting numbers to two decimal places hides fundamental flaws in this “study“.
First, an awful lot of human communication that looks like “pointless babble” is actually phatic communication. That’s all the social functions like signalling that you agree or disagree; that you want to continue or stop or change subject; to acknowledge the social bond between you; to signal that you’re happy or sad; to signal your personality to see how others respond; or to gently tap the speaker and say they’re saying something inappropriate.
Second, who says “I am eating a sandwich now” is pointless? As a response to someone organising dinner, it’s thoroughly relevant.
Third, Pear didn’t compare Twitter with other forms of human communication. What proportion of comments over the cubicle wall in a typical office are also “pointless babble”? I’m guessing … 40%? More?
“We did not predict that Conversational would be as high as it was, or that Self‐Promotion was going to be as low,” Pear concludes. Is that because Pear Analytics is a “marketing intelligence” firm, looking at the world through a lens of self-promotion rather than normal human conversation?
MSNBC called shenanigans on Pear’s study three days ago, noting that the white paper cites two other dodgy factoids: a Morgan Stanley “study” claiming teens don’t use Twitter, compiled by a 15-year-old intern merely polling his friends, and an infographic “If the Twitter community were 100 people” which, like Pear’s work, used vague, overlapping categories.
Marketer Stephen Dann has posted a far more scathing criticism. It’s attracted a defensive response from Sarah, one of Pear’s researchers, who perhaps unwittingly reveals the shoddy, subjective categorisation.
The kicker is at the bottom of Pear’s blog post…
“Since Twitter is still loaded with lots of babbling that not many of have time for [sic], you should check out the Twitter filter, Philtro. These guys can not only help you filter the noise, but will also be allowing you to store the tweets you are most interested in real soon.”
Gosh. It’s all just tawdry Ponds Institute pseudo-science pimping a product. Don’t newspapers and the ABC check their sources any more?
surprised me too, I would thought it was about 90% pointless self -indulgent babble
Is it just me, or is it only the Media who continue this love affair? Stop pushing this on us. Commercial Radio try it with Lady Gaga and Wes Carr, but the effect is the same. Cramming it down our throats will not make us enjoy it.
Ah, I should have placed that bet! There’s always a comment saying how it’s all babble, and you’re first this time, Ken Belson. Congratulations.
Of course the point is that the tweets of random strangers are not for you, but their circle of friends and acquaintances. Should you choose to use Twitter, you’d doubtless follow the people who are important to you. Or, you may choose not to use Twitter, if it doesn’t appeal.
Adam Barker: The story here is not so much about Twitter, but that the mainstream media uncritically ran a fluffy marketing piece dressed up as pseudo-science because that story was about Twitter.
That said, Twitter has just passed the peak of what Gartner calls the “Hype Cycle”. After the bubble of over-inflated claims we’ll now see a surge of negative stories as the media pack turns. More on that tomorrow.
And there’s a always a first to shoot back a rejoinder so congrats to you Stil…
I don’t mind communicating with strangers, as per this conversation, just think twits are pointless and as I said self indulgent…pretty much who cares? I reckon Twitter has a self life that will be sooner rather later, however it’s just my opinion, millions of others can disagree
Says it all really.