Read the full 2004 inspector general’s report that has revealed shocking allegations of CIA interrogators using techniques such as “mock executions”, and threatening to kill and rape terror suspects’ family members to get them talking:
Read the full CIA torture report
Read the full 2004 inspector general's report that has revealed shocking allegations of CIA interrogators using techniques such as "mock executions", and threatening to kill and rape terror suspects' family members to get them talking.
I can see how being slapped, deprived of sleep for up to 11 days using white noise and loud music, threatened with death, slammed repeatedly against a wall, terrorised with a power drill while blindfolded, forced to remain in stress positions using threats of violence, confined in a dark box for up to 1 hours with intentionally introduced insects, kept on a low calorie diet, and tortured using simulated drowning techniques, could ALL be quite reasonably considered by the CIA to be “unlikely to cause any lasting psychological damage”.
Dick Cheney’s writing for his life right now. An autobiography to excuse his abandonment of legal and moral principle to implement policies of torture.
Almost 6 months since Obama shamelessly tried to rig the “torture” debate by revealing the nature of the secret interrogation tactics to the world including enemies but denying information about the life-saving intelligence that those tactics produced.
Cheney demanded release of the advice that “enhanced interrogation” saved lives and we can now see why.
Cheney was right.
Funny how the media and the ever informative Crikey seem reluctant to report that relevant news……
I tell you what, if a family member of mine ever died in a terrorist attack – I could not care less what tactic was used, I’d probably go further. Even if suspects were not directly involved but new through the grape vine of a mooted attack, I still would not care!
This is the whole point SimmoBC – What if they don’t know, and they’re innocent, but getting this kind of treatment. How long should a government be allowed to keep someone and subject them to this without any charge or basis?
And how long before the laws adapt and they start doing this to their own citizens? It’s a slippery slope.